Thursday, November 27, 2008

So, by keeping her heart protected, she'll never, ever feel rejected

Today, i became my sister's chaperon again. But actually, the only thing i did was send the girls to the library. Once we reached there, the 3 of them went to the Children's Section and i busied myself with books...not from the same section of course! I didn't even accompany them when they went out to eat, though i offered at first.

I guess, they just want that sense of independence. They were really thrilled when i allowed them to go buy their own food. I was kinda worried, coz i'm responsible for 2 other girls as well. But come on, we all have been young before. We never really liked it when parents restrict us all the time right?

The rest of the time, well, i did nothing. For about 2hr 30min, i just sat at my spot and continued reading. Once they were done with..i'm not sure what, we split ways and Zimah and i went for dinner.

We went for dinner at The Memorable McDonalds. Gosh, the same place where the four of us had our study dates...which we now realise that they were futile. Times when we were supposed to be doing practices after practices, we played Shoot, Shag or Marry and the not-so-correct version of 20 Questions.

But oh wells, Midah's doing alright at SIM..i think?? And Farhan is done with A-levels, which i hope will be better than the previous one. Farhana and i, well...we are hanging in there.

And i have 4 storybooks! Awesome, i haven't been reading in awhile. Oh! And i heard MPH is having a sale now. So to all those bookworms out there, take note!


It's always the person who acts tough that cries more. Haven't you realise that already?

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