Friday, November 21, 2008

Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder

Why is it that we don't mind providing company for a sad friend, but we are so ignorant towards our own sisters? Why do we not mind listening to our friends' woes but when it comes to our sisters, we go "Oh hush up already will you, stop being such a baby!".

Why do we treat friends...well, technically they are "outsiders", way nicer than we treat those sisters whom we sleep with together at night?

Our sisters deserve way more credit than that.

Just because they are smaller, doesn't mean they deserve to tolerate our shit. Just because they are smaller, doesn't mean they ain't capable of doing something that you can't do.

Just because they are younger, doesn't mean they can't wrap presents. Althought it may not be nice, but atleast they did it! sorry digress, i'm still sore about that.

So the next time your sister happens to ask you a stupid or irritating question, think, please think, before you answer. Imagine a friend asking you the same stupid/irritating question. Will you still retort as much to them?

Most of us have this deficiency of saying no to our friends' requests. But when it comes to our sisters, their little little wants are being denied of. Hmm.

So come on people! Give our sisters more respect.

They deserve it.


Crying is a form of letting go. Confiding in a friend is a form of letting go. Forgiving is a form of letting go. And choosing to ignore and move forward is also a form of letting go.

Hell, whatever works for you man!

But trust me, when you manage to just let it all go, you will feel so much better. So why wait and continue to burden yourself?

Let it go,
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know
The hardest part is over


To Amirah, thank you so much for carrying all those stuff with and for me the other day. Dang, this time there wasn't any drama involving The Cleavage, haha.

And simply more thank yous for all the company and support. At a time like this, there really wasn't anyone else to turn to and i truly appreciate you being there with me till the end of this.

I owe you one buddy!

To dearest Zimah, you deserve utmost respect. I'm sorry you had to miss your favourite "K-Nite". Love you.

Bowling later!

To Hamidah, thank you for never failing to predict something right before it happens. It's either i'm too transparent or you are just plain psychic.

Well, i think it's a mixture of both.


Oh the Hong Kong boys won Amazing Race Asia. Yeah, big whoop! Like we all didn't predict that, buh.


I am always late when i'm meeting someone. I was late for 1hr to meet Amirah one time and 20min for another. And i was late for 1hr for a lunch date at Canele with Sakinah on Wednesday.

Please people, whenever i set a time to meet, please show up 1/2hour later coz that's probably the time that i will show up as well.


To avoid further drama in the future, just some advice, please don't take my words seriously. That's coz half the time i don't even mean whatever i said.

I just don't want to entertain more "disappointment" soap opera from any of you, so please when i say "I'll do anything for you", you don't exactly expect me to do so right?! I'm only saying it coz that's what you wanted to hear!

Oh come on, people don't do angel with me. I'm sure that's what some of you do as well. Admit it, will ya.

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