Friday, February 20, 2009

And you wanna pull her close, but your heart has froze

So yesterday, Uncle Edmund dropped by at the shop and he told Gillian and I that he's leaving the company for good. I didn't buy that at first coz a year ago he told me the exact same thing and he still came back anyways after his so-called break. But this time Uncle Edmund said it's for real. It's pretty sad really coz he is actually one of the few "upper" people that i truly like.

FYI, he's 45, smells good, charming, really really nice guy, has a girlfriend in Philippines and doesn't intend to get married...ever! Wow, I'm speechless.

Will miss you Uncle Edmund :)


"You haven't been working in awhile".

Now doesn't THAT sound oh so familiar? It's like dejavu or something, but just a different person saying it.

Nice start, nice start to the conversation but it totally turned me off after only a few seconds into it. Sad huh, coz I really liked you. Oh wells, now that we are over the "Haizad" phase, I can go back to "Shayne Ward" or maybe just move on to another person.


On Wednesday, I met up with Midah, Nisah, Shasha and Last for dinner. Ok it wasn't much like a dinner coz only Shasha and I were hungry. The rest just nibbled here and there coz they weren't so hungry. Like HELLO?! I thought we met up for dinner! Ok nevermind...

So yeah I was so glad Midah was there with me coz if not I would probably be the only one babbling non-stop. Everybody still looks the same except for Shasha, according to Midah *roll eyes*. But yeah, it was relatively nice to see these familiar faces after SO long and still able to talk. Well, technically Midah and I did the talking most of the time and the rest just listened -.- I can't blame them so much coz I should know better that they don't talk much even after lots, and i mean LOTS, of prompting.

A successful meet up thanks to Shasha and Nisah. And I'm actually looking forward to the next one :)

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