Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's you and me, moving at the speed of light into eternity

I have no idea why we need to have Basic Theory lessons when it doesn't contribute much to Basic Theory Test.

The first part of the lesson was horrible. The instructor can't speak good English and generally, people who don't have a good grasp of English just tick me off. He was abit draggy at parts but oh wells, he didn't mind Farhana and I drinking bubble tea during his lesson, which makes him not so bad actually.

The second part of the lesson got better, solely because it was a different instructor :) While Farhana was busy trying to make me play Tic-Tac-Toe with her, I was too engrossed in the lesson. Sorry babe!

And he noticed me! YES :)

So no more lessons, practice or evaluation for a month. That means, no Chombi till then too, haha. And yes, I will study for the test Farhana, only because I don't want to pay for retest.

And it's Justin Timberlake's birthday today and I celebrated by sitting by the river and watching fireworks...well reflection of fireworks actually, but who cares.
Oh, just a tip to the guys: When a girl you know walks past you, ignores you and is texting someone, trust me, there's a very high chance that the girl actually likes you alot and is trying her best to pretend to ignore you...So DO something!

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