Friday, February 13, 2009

Like a virgin

People judge other people all the time. Sometimes even close friends. And I think it's pretty normal.

Normal days, I would have told jaan anything exciting that happened in my life. But recently I thought that if I make such a big hoo-haa about it then it won't happen again. But I was so wrong. Oh wells, omg still excited about the "hand touch arm" thing ok. Electrifying!

It's 8:12am and I'm awake. I barely slept actually. And Mira is still awake -.-

It just takes one person, one meet up, one really cluttered dream and one hot guy to make me not go back to sleep after Subuh, and mind you I only slept at 3:30am. Like wow right?

Till then...Like a virginnnnnn...

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