Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Either way I found out I'm nothing without you

It was Oscar night yesterday, and must I say the show was entertaining! It was definitely better than the previous years. Of course it had so much to do with Hugh Jackman, who was the host of the show. I never knew Hugh could sing, and he not only sang on the show, he even danced! Wow. The other artistes were undoubtedly mind-blowing as well and so the show was ALMOST perfect. Why almost? Coz Vanessa Hudgens "The Extra" just had to be on stage and performed as well. Bleurgh!

Kate Winslet should stop receiving awards. Seriously. I didn't watch The Reader, and I don't think I will anyways, so I don't know whether she was that brilliant there. She might have given an outstanding performance, who knows. But she should stop winning awards just because I really cannot stand her dramatic speech. Seriously woman, it's not like your first time receiving. So please stop flustering and acting all "Omg I can't believe this" and start getting all emotional. It gets abit tiresome to watch that whole thing over again, you know.

And yeah, am I a sucker for scandals or what! When Jennifer Aniston and Jack Black got on stage to give out awards, I can't help but keeping a lookout for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to see their expressions. Thank God, the cameramen were on my side, so they kept showing the couple throughout the whole time Jennifer and Jack were on stage. And wow, the couple actually were laughing at the jokes and clapping their hands. I was actually looking forward to some drama, haha. But oh wells, they didn't get nominated for Oscar for nothing!


I went to watch "Buttons" with Fizah yesterday. The movie was abit too long actually. I kept looking at my watch coz I couldn't stand it. Hindi movies can be equally long or even longer, but that is a different thing altogether.

"Buttons" was monotonous throughout. I was like zzzz-ed most of the time. The only time I got excited was during the war scene at sea. The shooting looked so real that I kept flinching a few times coz I thought I was going to get shot -.-

Besides that, I must say the make-up and visual effects departments did a stunning job on the characters. They manage to fool us audience and make the characters look as if they really aged, or in Benjamin's case, makes him look younger.

I was never a Brad Pitt's fan, but I think his performance in the beginning, when he was a young kid stuck in an old man's body, was really beautiful :)

Sadly enough, it was only towards the end of the movie that I was really moved. During the last 1 hour (or was it 1/2 hour, I don't know), the movie gets really emotional that I cried, heh.

Oh keep a look out for this particular character who keeps popping up from nowhere and says he got striked by the lightning 7 times. He's hilarious!

Next up, He's Just Not That Into You and Luck by Chance, whichever comes first.


On Sunday night, the whole family had a get together session after a really long time. Yes, we see one another every night, but sometimes each of us is just too busy with our own lives that we don't sit and have bonding time. So after Maghrib prayers that night, we sat at the living room and talked.

And suddenly, the door bell rang and we all shut up. It was like a scene from a movie where everybody is happy and suddenly somebody rang the doorbell and the background music will change to add suspense. So yeah the exact same thing happened, just minus the background music part. And Zimah got freaked out all of a sudden coz she thought it was a ghost (??!!) and hugged me for dear life -.-

It turned out some dude is selling muffins and we bought 4 packets for $12. They were surprisingly nice actually. Afterall we bought banana and chocolate flavours, after much persuasion on my side.

By then I have already missed like 45 mins of Shark Tale, which I intended to watch actually. After we ate the muffins, we continued our chat in the parents' room till about 9pm :)

Ok come to think of it, I'm not exactly sure why I'm blogging about this. Well, I just think it's a memorable occasion. We blog when we meet our friends and talk and have a good time. This is exactly the same thing, only that I know for all my nonsense in the world, rest assured that they will always be there for me.


I haven't been working much but Janice "The Manager" keeps sending us emails and reminders. In fact, the number of emails I received is more than the number of days I work per week nowadays, tsk.

And I have been told that when I work I either look stressed or tired when I'm not serving customers. The thing is, I don't particularly feel stressed or tired at work most of the time. It's just that sometimes I don't smile. I mean, who smiles throughout the day for nothing anyways?!

I have received those comments from my colleagues a couple of times now so on the way home from work on Saturday, I actually observed my reflection in the MRT to understand what they are saying. Well, it's true, when I don't smile I tend to have this mean look but everybody does anyways! Maybe I was bored in the MRT or I just had too much time on my hands, coz I started to try to make my face "softer-looking" in the MRT, haha! I tried to smile abit and also not to make my eyebrows so arch-ish.

I don't want to look scary. Afterall I might meet by "Rajkumar" anytime anywhere! But after a few failed attempts in changing my face expressions, I realised I don't really care. If "Rajkumar" has to see me like this, then he just got to see me like this!


Zimah has been away since yesterday for her Pri 5 camp. And we all are missing her already!

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