Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum

I'm easily sleepy nowadays. When I get home, I can just drop dead and sleep for hours. But no, I usually will watch tv or on rare occasions, go online. I'm not too sure why I'm sleepy coz I definitely have more than enough sleep most of the time so lack of sleep is so out of the question. Maybe coz I'm outside all day long? I don't know.

I think if I don't focus enough, I can actually sleep here too. As in in front of the screen. But no, the body needs the bed.

And continuing from previous entry, I officially think I'm going bonkers. Crazy. I need to snap out of it, but it's so nice, haha. Hell no, still need to snap out of it.

I so need a new distraction. But maybe I don't want to.

And I hope Midah gets to drive her car tomorrow...later, whatever :)

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