Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'd stand up and punch them out, Cause they're all wrong

I'm still feeling overly excited and so maybe now's not a very good time to blog, but heck here I go.

Today was one of those wicked awesome days! Everything went as planned so that made both Mira and I very happy and satisfied people at the end of the day.

Omg I can't stop grinning, I really need to snap out of it!

Anyways, met for lunch at Canele and something wow-ing happened there :) Food there was good as usual. I was pretty scared that Mira might not like it but it turned out she liked the meal and the dessert. Hooray!

So went to Ben & Jerry's after that to get the tickets. Omg I suck at finding things coz after 5 seconds I will just start doing nonsense. So I asked Mira to help me find the missing tickets and she was like all practical and "It might just be staring right back in your face now." And there you go! The tickets were actually right there on the table *bang head*.

Went Clarke Quay after that to get something nice for Mira and thank God she liked it too :) And that's when I realised I left my wallet altogether at B&J *bang head again*. So went back there again in the horrible downpour, boo :(

So finally all set to go Sentosa. And we saw Nat Ho there, woohoo! Ok I just find him really good-looking despite the fact that he has really small eyes. But they are so cute!

When we reached Beach Station, we went straight for the segway ride. The whole thing was just plain hilarious. I was pretty ok on the segway at first, but later I hit this black thing on the side of the track. That's when I lost it. I started laughing, making Mira laugh with me and the guys were like "Wassup with these 2 girls?". So one of the guy helped and he said, "Be careful, make sure you don't hit the tree now." ...2 seconds later, bang head. Literally. Omg, I'm such a klutz.

Crazy ride. Mira was calm and collected as always. I have no idea how she does that, pfft.

After that we were supposed to go Omar's Make Out island but it was out of bounds, barnacle head! Sigh, so we just sat at the beach and watched the really beautiful sunset. Nice. After leaving a message on the sand, we left the place coz it was getting dark. We took the tram and sat at the back, which Mira said that we were like Banglas sitting on the back of lorry -.-

Sentosa is really beautiful at night. I so wanna buy the membership card so that I can go there every month. It's worth it :)

Next month maybe...

Later I ate roti john with Mira in the bus. I didn't want to at first coz I'm just scared that I will get fined. But we managed to finish the whole packet, alright!

Anyways! I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm so excited about tomorrow. And I'm excited for no particular reason (actually there is one, but just don't want to admit) or maybe for all the reasons in the world. Afterall it is the month to celebrate love :)

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