Sunday, February 15, 2009

Khayalan menjelma ketika fikiran, Melayang menjauh menenangkan mu

My parents are really romantic towards each other. I never exactly thought that people around their age can still be really in love with each other coz I thought that by the time you reach a certain age, you will just learn to live with your partner and all the passion are all gone.

But my parents are different. Ok maybe some of your parents too, I don't know. It's just that I thought it's rare to see Malay couples (ok fine, in this case Malay-Indian couple) being all lovey-dovey though they are reaching their 50s in a few years time.

1) They sing to each other when their favourite songs come on the radio, be it in the kitchen or in the car.

2) They eat from the same plate and feed each other.

3) They hold hands when we all go out and I have to take care of Zimah when we are crossing the road -.-

4) They still go out on movie or dinner dates and leave me taking care of the siblings at home.

As a matter of fact, they are out now to celebrate Valentine's Day. I may not be a rich or hot, but I'm pretty much happy that I'm blessed with loving parents who love us children and who are still in love with each other.


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