Sunday, February 15, 2009

Suara kekasih

A sick and upset me is a very deadly combination. Not good at all. So I'm sorry if I was being irritating yesterday though Farhana's default answer is always,"No you're not irritating me". Yes yes, I'm lucky to have a friend like you.

Farhana approves of "Haizad" big time! I like.

And thank you so much for the brownie. We wanted to take a photo of it but it got abit squishy by the time we wanted to do that. But it tasted really nice. All chewy and sweet...and must I add, Zimah ate half of it.

I am really a klutz. While waiting for the traffic light yesterday, I just slipped and fell down. And yes, in front of so many people walking by. Weirdly enough, I just started to laugh hysterically when I was on the ground coz I was suddenly remembered of how I hit the tree on Wednesday with Mira. I got up eventually and yes the butt did hurt.

"The Shimah Show! Coming up next: Shimah falls into a tiny longkang!"

Curses Mira. I'm so coming after you if that really happens...provided I get out of the longkang first :)


Oh man! This season of Survivor isn't interesting at all. But maybe it's abit too early to judge coz afterall it has only been one episode so far. I got a feeling that this season can't beat the last season which by far is the best season of Survivor ever! The back-stabbing, the drama and the hotties. Sigh, what a blast that season was.

First episode. No Marcus with a revealing dick. This season confirm no good la Mira.

But American Idol seems really good. The amount of talent on the show is going to be really worth watching. There will be some irritating contestants like Tatiana, but she won't last for long anyways.

I'm rooting for Adam, Danny, blind guy and Indian guy.

Also, Amazing Race is coming back! Woohoo. Seriously, I can just watch all these reality shows everyday.


I met Midah on Thursday! Haha to meet Midah is sometimes an impossible thing to achieve, but I finally got her. And once again, we wore same colour clothes again - pink top, blue bottom. I have no idea how we always do that though we never plan what to wear. Furthermore, she was from school and I was from work. But oh wells, the fact that we always wear same thing is somewhat endearing.

Till next Wednesday then!


Happy Valentine's Day! especially to Chris Brown and Rihanna. Muahahaha :)

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