Sunday, November 22, 2009

FYI, I'm Attached

Someday last week, I came across a newspaper clipping at work. It was about the Thailand soccer team and there was a hot Thai guy in the picture as well. I didn't see his jersey number but I just assumed that's my Mr 53 Hot Stuff. And if it's not him, then that's awesomer man, cause that just means there are 2 hot guys in the Thai team!

So when my father came home that night, this was what happened:

(the translated version)
Me: Dad, I've got something to show you!! It's a picture of my boyfriend!! (With lots of excitement btw, in case you can't sense it.)

Hisham: Really? I want to see!! (Excited as well, though at that time I couldn't understand why.)

Me: Okayyy... Anyway, here he is. That's the Number 53 Thai guy!! (Showing my father and brother the newspaper clipping.)

Hisham: Ohhh...I thought you meant like a REAL boyfriend. Chey!! (Went off to continue to watch a soccer match on tv.)

And by now, I have totally forgotten what my father's response to all this cause I was just stumped with what Hisham said. Did he actually think I was going to announce my new boyfriend like that? Running from my room to the living room with a photo of him in my hand? Wow!

But just for the fun of it, maybe I should try that someday. You won't know till you try, right?

Oh and I couldn't call him Mr 53 Hot Stuff in the house. My father will flip if I use such language in his living room. Apparently ladies don't speak like that. Pfft.


Farhana said...

My dad would flip if I said "LOOK HERE'S A PICTURE OF MY BOYFWENNN" and showed him a picture of a half naked sweaty guy playing football.

Last time, my dad called me to ask what I was doing and I said "oh, kakak tengah tengok boyfriend kat tv jadi doctor" and he went "OH is that how you talk to me?"

Relax ah... obviously bedek apa.

Oh and your brother's reaction was cute! Haha omg he really thought it was for real. Normal people don't just wave a picture of their partners around to show their family members, right.

shimah said...

Technically, he wasn't half naked, but he was definitely sweaty. Which means he was hot. Haha HOT, gettit?

And obviously my brother knows nothing about boy-girl relationships yet. Or he probably thinks our parents are very open, when they are so not.