Saturday, November 7, 2009

Life Is Short: Eat Pudding First

FYI, this is going to be a long entry.

So, whenever someone asks me out, I will make sure that I have a purpose to do out there before I decide to go out with that person. Sometimes I don't even want to go out just to have a meal with someone. Come on, why should I go out when I have food at home, and more importantly, when it's free?

Once in awhile, I do make some exceptions. Cause either a) food at home sucks, b) I need a break from home, c) I haven't met you in a long time, or d) you sound as if you need someone desperately.

On Wednesday, I met up with Mira and I think the reason would be (c).

I was an hour late, and finally met up with her at 3pm at JE library. And I managed to borrow 2 books! I was so happy because I haven't read a book in a really long time. And I think the books that I borrowed are going to be awesome though both of them are about a mother-child relationship.

And for the record, I'm not pregnant Mira. I just like love themes. Well, there was a point of time in my life where I would reach for any Mary Higgins Clark or Sidney Sheldon book cause I was such a thriller fan then. I especially loved it when I guessed the murderer correctly from the start.

I remembered once, I even called Mira at night cause I was so excited with how the story was unfolding and when I finally got the murderer right.

But that's the thing about thriller books! After you read enough books, you can start guessing from the beginning who the murderer might be. They are always the most unlikely person, cause if it was that obvious, then what's so exciting when the murderer finally got revealed in the end right?

Like in the book that I just described, the murderer was the lady living next door who was so nice to the main character throughout the story. Typical. Pfft.

Ok, I digressed alot! After we borrowed books, we had lunch at LJS. That reminds me, I want to go there again for that Grilled Chicken Wrap. Mmm!

After that, we went Daiso. For no particular reason actually, cause Mira just wanted to get all sorts of junkies then. And I decided to join in with her. I usually don't buy stuff that I don't need, but it was Daiso, everything was $2!

So I bought a colouring book, colour pencils and a folding fan. Do I need any of them? No, of course not. But the pleasure that I got from buying them was simply amazing. I don't even know why I felt good after that (maybe because I only spent $6).

Maybe because colouring reminds me of childhood, and sometimes I just want to be a child again. It was so much simpler then. Why do I need a folding fan? Ok, to be fair, it was a cute one, with a photo of jellybeans on it. And I'm smiling right now, just thinking about it.

Lastly, we went to Popular after that and I bought this really really adorable notebook which cost $9.90, yikes! Any normal day, and usually the normal me won't buy that book cause I don't know what I'm going to use it for. But I bought it nonetheless cause there was only 1 left and it was calling out to me, "Buy me, Shimah, buy me!".

Ok, I think I might use it for school, though I'm not so sure about that. Or maybe I bought it just to keep and stare at it cause it's so pretty! Hmm, I don't know.

Maybe sometimes we don't need to catch a movie. Maybe sometimes we don't have to have our day all planned out. Maybe sometimes we can just have a Cornetto ice-cream in the rain. Or play hop-scotch even (there's one under my grandmother's voiddeck btw!).

I don't know what's becoming of me these few days. I'm listening to slow songs, I even changed my JT ringtone to something that I think won't be able to wake me up if I was sleeping. And I'm reading love stories, and not forgetting I colour my new colouring book when I'm free.

Simple pleasures have become so much more significant.

With that, let's just live it people.


mira said...

Such a long entry! You ARE pregnant! Hahahaha :D Ok no kidding. I have yet to get my own colouring book leh. :(

shimah said...

Pregnant with whose child sey, you tell me! Haha we go Popular soon to get the colouring book la. I also want to get a new one.

And I need to get that "thing" from Popular as well. You know what "thing" right? Tebal2, banyak words kat dalam?

mira said...

HAHAHA. I know!