Thursday, November 12, 2009

If You Smiling, That Should Set The Tone

On Monday, I finally went to Gramophone with Nan and got my JT FutureSex/LoveSounds concert dvd! There are 2 cds inside, one for the whole concert and the other is a bonus cd. I was too tired to watch on Monday, but I finished watching the whole thing on Tuesday. Took me a couple of hours, but it was probably the best couple of hours spent ever.

My mother thought JT looked like Kris Allen. I told her she needs to get her eyesight checked.
My father said there's nothing special about JT. Apparently he strongly believes that he's better looking and a far better singer than JT. Puiii!
My sister tried to sing all the high notes to irritate me and kept calling him "Botak Head".

I have such a supportive family.


Duane finally got his big fat ass of SI yesterday! Dammit, best SI episode ever man. I really truly hope that the girls will not get eliminated any time soon cause a) I'm a feminist, and b) the boys suck la dey!

Ok actually, Sezairi isn't so bad. He's quite original though I wasn't all that blown away by his What Goes Around performance yesterday. You think you can pull off a JT song? Think again, dude.

I hope top 3 will be Tabitha, Sylvia and Sezairi. If top 3 consists of any other nonsense (say Charles and Faizal), I will be terribly embarrased to call myself a Singaporean. Sucks.

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