Saturday, November 14, 2009


While doing a resume earlier today, I had to finish this Personality Test as well.

Here are the results:

At a Glance
  • Takes time over tasks, sees deadlines as flexible (Yep!)
  • Expresses emotions and needs attention. Tends to be concerned with own opinions and feelings. (Haha yep!)
  • Faithful, trustworthy and devoted in long-term relationships.
  • Sees people as nice and friendly, not comfortable to wheel and deal.
  • Practical, prefers to build on idea rather that generate them. (Lazy la.)
  • Needs clear and thorough instructions, slow to act when uncertain. (Haha true!)

While at Work

Ms Shimah is prepared to put in hard work moderately but she may at times prefer to work at her own pace. (Slow and steady man.)

Time is not a major priority for Ms Shimah. She is probably often late for appointents and may keep people waiting. She see deadlines as flexible and takes her time to do things. She is not time-conscious when planning or organising activities. Ms Shimah may feel stressed and demotivated when she is rushed, and may not deliver results on time. (Ok everyone knows this already.)

Ms Shimah is an emotional person. She finds it difficult to conceal her feelings. She is likely to seek attention from others. Ms Shimah is passionate, romantic and warm, and needs to be with people. As her emotional needs are high, she is often the "taker" in a relationship. She tends to make decisions based on her own feelings and opinions. (The "taker"? Wow.)

Although Ms Shimah is usually a sympathetic person, she may at times be selective about being involved in the personal problems of people.

Ms Shimah is friendly and outgoing when she is with friends although she may at times prefer to be quiet. (True, though people usually think I'm emo-ing then, pfft.)

Ms Shimah is the sort of person who forms long term bonds and attachments. She is faithful, trustworthy, and devoted in such relationships. She tends to be trusting, dedicated and protective towards those she loves. Patriotism and sense of duty is a significant aspect of her character.

Ms Shimah is moderately serious about her responsibilites and selectively takes ownership of her work.

Ms Shimah is moderately concerned with prestige, rank and reputation.

Ms Shimah sees people as friends, reliable and honest. She is trusting and believes what people say. She tends to be unsuspecting of people's behaviour and motives. (Ok not true, cause I wasn't totally honest when answering this part, haha!)

Ms Shimah's leadership qualities are moderate and she is sometimes able to get the support of people.

Intellectual matters do not interest Ms Shimah. She is more concerned with practical issues that abstract theories. Ms Shimah prefers to talk about useful and workable solutions than discuss hypotheses and concepts. She is more likely to build on ideas rather than generate them. (Gosh, so true, sigh.)

Ms Shimah puts in effort to plan ahead some of the times. She may at times not be as detailed in her planning.

Ms Shimah is generally able to express herself although not to a high degree of eloquence. (What!!)

Being one who needs clear and thorough instructions before she can proceed on action, Ms Shimah resists when conditions are uncertain. (I sound like a Patrick here, pfft.) She does not adapt easily to changes. Before she embarks on a new project, expect Ms Shimah to find out more and probe deeply. (Who wouldn't?)

According to the site, the point of doing this test is so that I can work on my weaknesses. Right, like I would do anything about them.

But if any potential employer ever see this, I am never getting a job man! That's why I didn't send this together with my resume. Frankly, I wouldn't even hire myself. I'm such a slacker sometimes. But, well, when I am in the mood I will definitely get the job done...I think?


Farhana said...

I think you can definitely get the job done! You've been great at all the jobs you've had ;)

Btw, what personality test is this?

shimah said...

Jobscentral. I finally did my resume in there and hopefully I can get a job soonnn!!

Farhana said...

Insyallah babe! :)

Farhana said...

Oh btw, I just did that personality profiling.
What nonsense, with my results, I don't think I can get a job lah! Haha.

shimah said...

Haha really? Send me the results pls? I got a feeling that it's going to be funny. I laughed at mine the first time I read it.