Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Support Local Talent

I am not a fan of local talent and will probably stay that way forever. That's why when my father told me last week that there was going to be a soccer match between Singapore and Thailand, I accidentally blurted out, "Confirm Thailand menang punye!"

Which they did eventually actually, but that's not the point. My father wasn't very happy when I said that and he started blabbering that with people like me who don't support local talent, how will they grow? To which I really wanted to retort, "What talent?" but decided against it cause that argument could have gone all night.

I said I'm not a fan. That doesn't mean I don't support. I watch Singapore Idol religiously every week and I consider that as support. I know alot of people who don't watch. And hello! I voted 3 times during the finals of the first season and I strongly believe that because of those 3 IMPORTANT votes, Taufik Batisah was crowned as the first Singapore Idol, thank you very much.

So moving back to that soccer match, I ended up watching it with Zimah and Hisham because frankly speaking, there was nothing else on tv. But see, I could have gone online or read a book! But no, I decided to SUPPORT our local talent and spent (wasted, more like it) 90 mins of my life watching 22 (I think?) boys kicking and passing and catching balls. Fun, eh?

Fine, sarcasm aside, I actually enjoyed watching that match, and that is coming from me, Ms Shimah who knows nothing about soccer! That says something, I'd say. And it helps ALOT that there was a cute Thai guy playing as well. I don't know his name but his jersey number is 53. Don't judge me, I'm sure alot of girls who are supposedly soccer fans are more interested in the "good-looking" guys than the match itself anyways.

FYI, the score of the match was 3-1. My father came home late and only managed to catch the last 30 mins of the match. He was so disappointed cause the score was 2-0 at that time and a few mins after, it became 3-0. After that goal, my father exclaimed, "Alah, buat malu la Singapore!" grabbed his bag and went to shower.

While he was in the shower, Singapore scored that one (pathetic) goal, to which my father obviously missed. Yup, so much for supporting local talent!


Farhana said...

Hahahaha omg your dad is so funny!

But boleh tahan eh, tak sangka ada orang tu support local talent sampai tengok bola sepak.
Personally, I tak leh angzzz!

Anyway, didn't you see the name of the Thai soccer player on the back of his jersey?

shimah said...

Soccer quite fun. You can laugh at the coach's reactions when his team is losing.

Yes, I saw the name but I've forgotten now. Not an easy name to rmb definitely, considering he's thai. But his number is 53. I shall rmb him as Mr 53 Hot Stuff.