Monday, December 8, 2008
I need to pee. But i'm too scared.
I need to wake up in a few hours time. But i don't want.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri yall.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Be careful who you do cause karma comes back around
But we still do. We still entertain. Or try to at the very least. Maybe coz we are obliged to. Maybe coz that's what friends are supposed to do. To be there to listen anytime anywhere.
But it doesn't hurt to be more tactful the next time round right?
Sometimes we feel like we are in this whirlpool that we can't get out from. You try to get out and find some solutions, but all you know is that you are still stuck at square one. And when that happens and you don't know what else to do, we resort to praying to God.
We think that God may not want to answer our prayers coz we know that we haven't been the most pious person ever. But we later realise that God is unlike human and God will help His creations no matter what.
Yesterday, i hope for a miracle. For something to just happen according to my way. And if i can't get that, then all i hope for is a solution to help me escape from this misery. And that solution did come.
Thank you Amirah.
Yes, this isn't what i've been hoping for. But if it can get me somewhere, then i really don't mind compromising.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Have you ever felt that? HAVE YOU EVER!!
Sigh, it sucks right?
Really really nambutchy-ed up right now *inside joke*. I need to breathe. Ok, breathing breathing...NOT HELPING!
Hopefully those few hours that i'm going to spend with Rachel later will make me forget about all this shit for awhile. And maybe after that i can calmly think all these through.
I did alot of things at work today. Alot. Such a busy day. Here's the list of things that i did just now.
- Sms people like crazy and reply to them almost instantly.
- Eating sushi and drinking bubble tea.
- Reading storybook and listening to music.
- And of course, occasionally serve those occasional customers!
Customers at West Coast Plaza only come like once every 15-20minutes and i have NO complaints regarding that. Really, i'm totally cool about that!
People who are reading sad love stories, should try reading while listening to songs from Westlife old album. You know, the album with "Unbreakable" and "Queen of My Heart"?? Yeah, that one. Coz the songs really fit the mood of the story and you will feel that you are actually watching some sad movie.
Starbucks at West Coast Plaza is giving out free drinks later from 5pm-7pm. Just a shout out, in case some people care.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My Desi Girl, My Desi Girl Girl Girl Girl Girl
I was posted to West Coast Plaza (used to be Ginza Plaza) for the rest of the week. I was warned that it was going to be extremely boring there coz there will not be many customers like how we have in Raffles City. Well, that was true alright, and i really have no problem about that.
I spent the day reading my book and it's finishing now, so i can bring another book tomorrow, hah. There are customers occasionally and funny enough, i treated them way way better than how i treat some of the customers back at RC.
Apparently sales was way way better than usual. And Uncle Donald thank me for that. Okay...
I seriously thought i was going to pull my hair out or bang my head against the wall due to boredom but i think i handled today pretty well. Time moved relatively steady and before long i was out of there.
And i made some new friends with our fellow neighbours there.
I can so do this for the rest of the week :)
Come to think of it, West Coast Plaza is kinda cool you know. The building is modern and all, there are alot of shops, it's near my house and the fact that it's not crowded might just make it my newfound hang out place. Haha.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Rejoice throw your arms in the air
Midah, Hari and i went to watch the funniest movie ever today - Dostana. Ok, i'm trying to give like a really unbiased review here. So, yes the movie is hilarious. You will laugh like 90% out of the whole movie. And trust me, you won't be the only one, you will have everybody else in the cinema laughing with you :)
Awesome awesome comic timing. The cast was perfect, especially Abhishek, John, Priyanka, Boman and Kirron :)
Everybody should go and watch it. You don't have to be a Hindi movie addict to enjoy it. But there are some scenes that are like linked to previous of Karan Johar's movies, so only people who have watched those movies will understand those scenes.
All in all, i will give 2 thumbs up and 2 big toes up for Dostana :)

After movie, we went to eat and dig secrets from Hari. I've never really know this guy on a personal level before and i just found out that he's actually pretty cool. And thank you for driving us to supper and home.
I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday. Rest well and chiong for your exams! We'll hopefully have the hindi movie marathon soon. And i hope this time it will really happen, lol.
Rachel Lim Pei Rong is back in town! Omg, i miss that girl so much! Haha i'm already excited just by typing this down, lol.
So meet up and movie and library on thursday! Can hardly wait :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Imagine skin in contact with metal that is at 200°C. Ouch.
So now i have 3 scars that may be permanent. Ugly! Well, 3 scars in a year...I'll say not bad actually, lol.
There's a thousand words that i could say, to make you come home
Enjoy your last teenage year :)
I can't wait for movie later! And you better like the present.
When we know that we are going to move on to a new phase in life, we tend to promise ourselves that we will never change. We tell ourselves that we will always keep in touch with our close friends.
But when we are finally in that new phase, sometimes it's difficult to keep those promises. It's not that we don't want to, sometimes we are just caught up with our new life that we can't pause and breathe and think back to what we promise and who we promise those things to.
We are all getting older, slowly moving into adulthood. You and your friends will move to different colleges and do different things. I don't mind that, coz new experience means fun. But for me, it's nice to know that i have some people with me through all this havoc.
To my few close friends, i really hope that there will never be a time when we can manage just fine in our lives, without the support of the other party.
I think i have a thing for attractive married men. Yes, they are good-looking, but the fact that they are married makes it all more fun actually.
And i secretly (not that it's a secret anymore now) finds pleasure in rejecting customers. I have no idea why. I like "killing" the waffle machine and i like to tell people who just got into the shop that we are closed.
I'm complex, we all know that.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Should i ignore you or just give it time
I tried to answer in simple sentences, using the simplest words ever. And i even laughed at jokes, not that i know they were jokes, but he laughed after he said that, so i'm sure they were jokes.
Then slowly our conversation died. I tried to read my book, but it was too dark. He suddenly increased the volume of his radio, which didn't matter to me coz it was in Chinese and it was news.
So i guess by then it was 12am.
Anyways, he listened and then he told me what the news was about. Apparently there was this Singaporean who got murdered by some Osama people. I was like, What? Never knew that some Singaporean was in hostage! But then again, i rarely read NEWS news.
Frankly, i wasn't even sure whether what i heard was correct at first coz his English was really pretty bad, so he might have meant something else. But yeah, no.
He later said (not a quote, but something like that), "Wah why all these Muslims like to kill people? Bla bla bla..."
Excuse me?! Who am i then?? Ok either it was really dark then that he couldn't tell that i was Malay or he was just really really bad in forming sentences in English.
Well yes, Malay doesn't mean Muslim, though most of the time yes, but yeah most Singaporeans has this problem of thinking that all Malays are Muslims, Indians have to be Hindus and they can't differentiate between Tamil and Indian.
Back to story. At first i thought that he was being sarcastic towards me and i had to say something in defence of my fellow Muslims. But then i realised that whatever he said was nothing personal against me. It was just something that he thought. Just his opinions.
But is it true? That most people, especially the.."uncle-uncle" type, think that Islam is a religion that portrays violence? No religion teaches violence, but when some Muslims use the name of religion for their selfish behaviours, people just assume that,"Oh, why are Muslims like that!"
Well, i'm glad to say that some people, mostly my non-Muslims friends are aware that all these terrorism stuff has nothing to do with the real teaching of Islam. But it's just so sad to see people..uncles...who think they are right, and you have this urge to educate them about your religion and stand up for it, but you know whatever you say won't make much of a difference coz that's what they think.
It's not that they are stubborn, it just that it takes more than words from a 19 not-so-pious year old Muslim to make them realise their misconception.
And when i came home, i went online, i realised that uncle was totally wrong about his whole story! Yes a Singaporen has been killed. But no, she was killed in Mumbai, by some terrorists there, not some "Osama people"!
It's ridiculous. Get the fact right first man! Oh wells.
Look at the bright side. I finally read up on some current affairs.
My room is exceptionally clean today. No, not because of Hari Raya. And no, the paternal grandmother isn't visiting anytime soon. Zimah decided to clean the house, after so much persuasion on my side. Hoorays!
This week of Survivor sucks!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
So, by keeping her heart protected, she'll never, ever feel rejected
I guess, they just want that sense of independence. They were really thrilled when i allowed them to go buy their own food. I was kinda worried, coz i'm responsible for 2 other girls as well. But come on, we all have been young before. We never really liked it when parents restrict us all the time right?
The rest of the time, well, i did nothing. For about 2hr 30min, i just sat at my spot and continued reading. Once they were done with..i'm not sure what, we split ways and Zimah and i went for dinner.
We went for dinner at The Memorable McDonalds. Gosh, the same place where the four of us had our study dates...which we now realise that they were futile. Times when we were supposed to be doing practices after practices, we played Shoot, Shag or Marry and the not-so-correct version of 20 Questions.
But oh wells, Midah's doing alright at SIM..i think?? And Farhan is done with A-levels, which i hope will be better than the previous one. Farhana and i, well...we are hanging in there.
And i have 4 storybooks! Awesome, i haven't been reading in awhile. Oh! And i heard MPH is having a sale now. So to all those bookworms out there, take note!
It's always the person who acts tough that cries more. Haven't you realise that already?
Release me from this curse

The thing about Rihanna is that you don't have to be a fan of hers to know her songs. Her songs are everywhere! You can hear it on the radio, shops or even handphone ringtones!
I am definitely not a fan of hers. But that doesn't mean i would ignore if i see her on tv. Well, you can't blame me, she is popular alright!
You can't deny the fact that Rihanna has done some amazing collaborations, like with Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, Maroon 5, Jay-Z, Timbaland and of course Justin Timberlake *screams*
She may have a nasal voice and her nose may be pesek but her videos are cool. I love her haircut but i seriously don't think she's hot.
And now i'm beginning to wonder why am i dedicating an entry for her. Afterall, she's "Irfan's" girlfriend!
Oh wells, please watch "Rehab", Rihanna's latest music video. Look out for the 3:33-3:40 part. It's like hotter than hot :)
Is it me, or are some Singaporeans just plain pigs?
Ok too harsh. Let me rephrase that.
Is it me, or are some Singaporeans just plain inconsiderate? Ok of course we all know that it's not me, right?
Seriously. I know i get paid for cleaning your mess, but i just can't understand why is it so hard for you to keep the table decently messy, if there's such a thing.
I mean, the foreigners, especially the ang-mohs, they are like the most polite people ever. And they will clear their tables and even if not, it's not that disgusting-looking.
Somehow some Singaporeans think they are too good and they own the place or something.
Gosh, i hate them. It's just so irritating. It's like they don't have the basic of basic of common sense!
Now i totally understand why Abah makes an effort to clear our tables after we finish eating outside.
I need to be Calm and Collected.
Monday, November 24, 2008
It's like you were my favourite drug
Special shout outs to those who have helped the souvenir committee yesterday.
Thank you to Amirah, without you i would have probably screwed up. Thank you for being by my side, calming me down when i start to freak out...which is most of the time, that's the thing.
Underneath that "Huh??" confused look that she has all the time, she is actually a practical person :)
Thank you Ian for running around and pretending to be busy?? Haha, but seriously, thank you for your concern towards the committee. Really appreciate it :)
Thank you to the 2 councillors who helped out with the lucky draw part. I didn't catch your names, but i owe you guys.
To Aunty Jenny, thank you for being so resourceful. You can get almost anything anywhere from her. She's like a Doraemon according to Mira.
After prom ended yesterday, Midah, Mira, Afizah and i walked barefooted all the way from the hotel to the bus stop. I couldn't take the pain anymore, coz my feet had blisters. So we all took off our shoes. Haha i'm sure at 12am, nobody will really care whether we are wearing shoes or otherwise.
And i would only dare do these weird things with either Midah or Farhana. Yesterday was one of those times :)
I believe that not everybody is born with the gift of rhythm. Some people when being taught a dance, they just don't get it how Step 1 goes with Beat 1 and how Step 2 goes with Beat 2.
Well, i can't blame you for something that you don't have.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Yes, that would mean you will have to have extra practices. Yes, that would mean that the choreographer tends to be slightly more irritated with you.
But it all doesn't matter. I'm sure that if you have the commitment and drive to want to learn, you will get it eventually.
Jun Jie is a good example. I salute him for being very positive and keen to learn.
Hoorays to Midah's babies!
Give me any 2 girls' names. One of the girl has to be very opinionated and isn't scared to voice out and another is like the girl-next-door kind.
And imagine that they have a quarrel.
It doesn't matter who started it, but naturally, an outsider who knows that there is something wrong going on between them will just assume that the more vocal girl is the guilty party.
It's as simple as that.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder
Why do we treat friends...well, technically they are "outsiders", way nicer than we treat those sisters whom we sleep with together at night?
Our sisters deserve way more credit than that.
Just because they are smaller, doesn't mean they deserve to tolerate our shit. Just because they are smaller, doesn't mean they ain't capable of doing something that you can't do.
Just because they are younger, doesn't mean they can't wrap presents. Althought it may not be nice, but atleast they did it! sorry digress, i'm still sore about that.
So the next time your sister happens to ask you a stupid or irritating question, think, please think, before you answer. Imagine a friend asking you the same stupid/irritating question. Will you still retort as much to them?
Most of us have this deficiency of saying no to our friends' requests. But when it comes to our sisters, their little little wants are being denied of. Hmm.
So come on people! Give our sisters more respect.
They deserve it.
Crying is a form of letting go. Confiding in a friend is a form of letting go. Forgiving is a form of letting go. And choosing to ignore and move forward is also a form of letting go.
Hell, whatever works for you man!
But trust me, when you manage to just let it all go, you will feel so much better. So why wait and continue to burden yourself?
Let it go,
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know
The hardest part is over
To Amirah, thank you so much for carrying all those stuff with and for me the other day. Dang, this time there wasn't any drama involving The Cleavage, haha.
And simply more thank yous for all the company and support. At a time like this, there really wasn't anyone else to turn to and i truly appreciate you being there with me till the end of this.
I owe you one buddy!
To dearest Zimah, you deserve utmost respect. I'm sorry you had to miss your favourite "K-Nite". Love you.
Bowling later!
To Hamidah, thank you for never failing to predict something right before it happens. It's either i'm too transparent or you are just plain psychic.
Well, i think it's a mixture of both.
Oh the Hong Kong boys won Amazing Race Asia. Yeah, big whoop! Like we all didn't predict that, buh.
I am always late when i'm meeting someone. I was late for 1hr to meet Amirah one time and 20min for another. And i was late for 1hr for a lunch date at Canele with Sakinah on Wednesday.
Please people, whenever i set a time to meet, please show up 1/2hour later coz that's probably the time that i will show up as well.
To avoid further drama in the future, just some advice, please don't take my words seriously. That's coz half the time i don't even mean whatever i said.
I just don't want to entertain more "disappointment" soap opera from any of you, so please when i say "I'll do anything for you", you don't exactly expect me to do so right?! I'm only saying it coz that's what you wanted to hear!
Oh come on, people don't do angel with me. I'm sure that's what some of you do as well. Admit it, will ya.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
When there was me and you
12th Dec.
In most of the things we do, what we need is a balance. When we go to any sides of the extremes, nothing nice turns out usually.
I guess that's why some people are friends with some people. They strike a balance.
If both of you are too similar, then there's not much excitement going on. If the two are you are too different, then you can't tolerate each other much.
Just nice is...well, just nice!
And i think Farhana and i or Midah and i are pretty much well-balanced. And that's what i really like about us.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So what's wrong with being selfish?
They can be really tired from a day's work but they will still put you in their number one priority.
Parents are just amazing people. And i'm lucky to have really supportive ones.
It's time to let go and be selfish.
I don't care if you need me.
I have my own stuff to do, so settle your own.
It will really help alot if i don't have to do something that i totally detest of now.
Just doing your thing alone is sometimes better coz when you rely to much on others, they cause nothing but disappointment.
My parents have finally found out that i'm IC-less. So it's time to make one!
I WANNA close my eyes, i WANNA fall asleep
Went to his house, to see him greeting us at the lift with his faded shirt and his kain sarong on. Seriously dude!
Later we waited for some other relatives to arrive and for Pak and Mak Ngah to get ready. We had some prayer session where most of those present cried. Very very emotional moment. Intense.
On the way to Changi Airport, i slept like a pig. Reached there to see the whole place packed with other Muslims. Other than the morning prayers on Hari Raya, i have never seen such a big group of Muslims gathered at the same place before. Awesome.
While we were waiting for the couple to be checked in, i had to play with Zarifah, their youngest child. My aunt, Zimah and i tried to play and joke with her so that she will get distracted. Gosh, if you heard how she wailed at the house, you would too join with me to play stupid games with her.
Oh i saw Baihakki Khaizan again. Twice in the same week. And my parents really know him. As in really KNOW him.
Mira: Never doubt the connections that our parents have, haha.
After like an hour waiting, they finally checked in and we could leave the place. I tried to sleep again, but everybody else was so high and noisy in that chartered bus.
We went for lunch at the same place where we had breakfast but i didn't eat coz perut masuk angin...Translation?? Erm, forget it.
Went home and slept for AWHILE, boo, and later went out again with the parents.
Came home to sleep awhile again, while Zimah was telling bedtime stories to me (no kidding!!). Later i woke up and showered and did some stuff related to work and prom.
Tomorrow has got to be productive. Hopefully we have the money and the strength to carry all those stuff. Experience on Monday reminded me that i'm not that strong, boo.
And i need to get up early AGAIN tomorrow...Later, i mean.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Too tired to come up with a title
Thank you Mira for helping out today.
And there's something weirdly corny between Mira and chicken mushroom puff. Talk about HOT!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Some days I'm a super bitch, up to my old tricks, but it won't last forever
Friday, November 7, 2008
I can't be perfect, now it's just too late
I'm not saying DON'T JUDGE, coz you just can't afford not to sometimes.
Just because a person does something that you don't particularly agree with, doesn't make that person immoral. We all have our moments, our weaknesses. Times when we just get swayed and do things that we may never think of doing before. And if you think it's fair for people to say that you a bad person because of you past mistakes, then you can by all means throw your negative comments to other people.
It's easy to criticise. Way too easy sometimes. But if the same thing ever happens to you one day? What appropriate answers can you provide?
All i hope for is that such fate will never befall on me. I'm not going to sneer at them. I'll try not even to comment, which is hard most of the time.
Who are you to judge? Are you THAT perfect?
I once learnt: It's not how you live, but how you die.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Can i have this dance
The movie's good, no surprises there.
The songs are better, especially the ballads.
Choreography is intricate and that's what it awesome.
Vanessa Hudgens is really good-looking. Sometimes i just can't stop myself from looking just at her and ignoring Zac Efron.
Well, those not-so-young girls behind us may choose to differ. They were like hyperventilating everytime Zac was on screen. Lesson learnt today: The next time i watch a movie, i will really make a point to keep my raging hormones in control.
So, go watch it! I would want to watch it again.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
- Morgan is the name of the male teddy in Bananas in Pyjamas.
- Teletubbies eat pancakes and drink some sort of pink jelly.
- Reciting a specific episode from Bananas in Pyjamas.
- Singing songs from Blues' Clues and Thomas and Friends.
It is true. We digress. Alot.
I must say, i'm glad that i know someone else who knows her cartoons damn well.
Cheers to a wonderful childhood!
Wade Robson is in Singapore again, and i couldn't make it...again. Pfft.
Oh wells, he was here less than 5 years ago and he's back again, so i'm sure he'll come here again within 5 years from now.
And once again i bawled while watching Armageddon.
You may know who's going to die and how they are going to die in the movie, you may know who says what dialogues in the movie...basically you may know what's going to come up next, but that still doesn't stop you from crying, despite watching it for like around 50 times already.
- Ben Affleck looked really cute, less manly...Good!
- Liv Tyler looked like Snow White, which reminds me of Kristin Kreuk actually.
- If i ever date an old man, he has to look like Bruce Willis.
High School Musical 3:Senior Year with 2 of my favourite people tomorrow! :D
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And when the rain would fall down, i'd just stare out my window
I guess people naturally fear things that they don't know of - fear of the unknown. We are scared coz we don't know what to expect. Also, coz we know we are powerless. We are not able enough to control the situation that we are in.
In this case i'm the child, and SIM is the ghost.
I watched my first proper full episode of Las Vegas yesterday. I know the show has been aired for like...what, a few years already now? Ah heck, who cares.
I mean, i kinda watch the show once in awhile, but only for the Josh Duhamel's scenes. Once someone else is on tv, then i'll just switch channels. So i have never really know what Las Vegas is really about. Sad.
Well, Las Vegas is pretty interesting. I think i'm going to follow it. Only that i'm not so sure when it's going to be on AXN, dang.
Think CSI, but sexier and definitely less gory.
Oh that reminds me. I have another show, Lipstick Jungle, which i also don't know when it's being aired.
I'm thinking of following 90210 and Heroes. It's just that i'm really superly confused about Heroes. My fault, i know, coz i watched seasons 1 and 2 at the same time. Will someone explain the show to me so that i can watch the third season please?
Once in a really long time, you meet someone whom you have barely met for like 15min and you can just kick things off with that person.
Lucinda Lam is one of those people.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, yes, you make my life worthwhile
Anyways, besides the fact that he can groove to the music, coz i'm a sucker for guys who can groove, he had a really nice tight ass!
So i conclude that i'm an ass girl.
Zimah is a smart and talented kid. I don't remember achieving half as much as her when i was 10. The only one vivid memory that i can remember is playing hide-and-seek or "Crocodile" after curriculum time, while waiting for supplementary lesson to begin.
Something that you don't know about her, she has 4 CCAs till date. She was in band in Pri 2, badminton in Pri 3, art club in the first half of this year and currently, she's a librarian. When i asked her, why join library? she said it's air-conditioned there, she get to read lotsa books and she get to watch the activities that are being conducted there. NERD!
Well, i was a librarian for a year before. Not exactly for a CCA but more like it was a class position. In JC 1, i didn't want to be a part of the class committee, coz i was pretty tired being in the leadership position. But there was still one more position to be filled, but nobody wanted to be that coz you have to spend 2 hours each week in the library. Just about then, Ms Suzie mentioned that there are CIP hours awarded and right at that moment my hand just shot up.
So from that day onwards, i was the Class Librarian. How intriguing.
Anyways, back to Zimah. She's only 10, but she has been in tons of stuff.
- She got to meet The President, Mr Nathan, coz she was in this art competition.
- She won another art competition and got tickets to watch Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian.
- She was chosen for a badminton tournament which i didn't managed to go, dang.
- She was the only one chosen to play the recorder at St Joseph's Home.
BUT she's super lazy when it comes to revision. She really needs tons of pushing from the back before she will sit down and revise.
Dearest Zimah, please get good results for the upcoming exams. I need you to watch High School Musical 3:Senior Year with me!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm GONNA write you a love song :)
Coz you don't need major meet up sessions to make you happy, though it helps...but it's actually the minor minor things in life that should be treasured more.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Obviously my armor was cracked
I lost my thumbdrive at the workplace! I want it back! Janice, please find it!
At this point, i rather find out that someone took it without my permission. Atleast i know that it's SOMEWHERE!
Gosh, i wish a thumbdrive is like a phone. You call, then it rings, and you know where it is. Dang!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Let your clarity define you
I try each there to be contented with what i have here, coz i know i have so much more as compared to others living in unknown places all those places in Africa that simply can't be pronounced *shrugs*
Being Singaporean, means i have to deal with all those locals out there as well. And it can be hard if you don't like the way half of them behave in public places!
When one has to take public transport 24/7 coz you haven't learnt to drive yet, you can meet alot of people during your journey. And trust me, some of them can be real nasty. Sometimes, sitting or standing beside them in the mrt, just makes me feel so unclean sometimes...Well well, of course exaggeration intended here, no surprises!
But seriously, what were those people thinking when they dig their noses...with great enthusiasm, mind you, in an mrt, full of people?! Am i missing something here? Coz i really can't figure out why anybody with any form of decency will want to do that!
There are also the minor minor details that these people may not pay much attention to, but i'm totally affected by it. To name a few, there's the rushing to get into the mrt, rushing to empty seats, peeking into people's books when you are totally not invited, and i'm sure there are many more!
There was a time when i really wanted to migrate...well of course not because of these people, coz they are SO not worth the drama. Now i don't want to migrate, but i still don't want to face them. I just need a chauffeur to bring me around. And unfortunately enough, i have yet to find him.
I'm usually not vain, but recently i love catching my reflection whenever i can. How recent...well, after i had my haircut, if you want to be exact.
Ok, whatever's coming next is totally self-indulgent and you have been warned.
I love my hair. I love the shape. I love the waves. I love everything about it.
Although whenever i meet Nan i still secretly wish that i have her hair, but most of the time i'm really happy with mine.
- I can watch Meet the Robinsons on Disney Channel over and over again.
- I'm beginning to like Nan's kinda songs.
- I'm really happy with where i am now, well not literally of course.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This is the last chance to make our mark
- Eagle Eye
- High School Musical 3: Senior Year
- Kidnap
- Drona (ok, this one not so desperate la, if got time and company, why not right...midah?? haha)
Teaching math on msn is so fun. You can pretend as if you know everything, when what you are actually doing is just reciting from the notes that are staring back in front of you.
And it helps alot that you have smart friends. So in times of emergency, you can mia for a while and still be back with the answer, acting as if you are the one who just have solved that sonofabitch of a question.
Kill them math monsters Mira, you can do it!
13th :D
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
With the girls, jalan raya is slightly bit different. The first thing that they do when they reach one another's houses is to go straight into their respective friend's room ("Mari masuk bilik kita!") and start playing video games, watch videos on the computer or watch dvds on the television.
I don't play games, nor do i like watching stupid videos (remember we are talking about 10 years old here and i'm sure you can imagine the kinds of videos they watch...). So unless we are watching dvds (we watched Pendekar Bujang Lapok and Alvin and the Chipmunks), what i have to do is sit infront of the tv, all alone, and talk to the elderly -.-
Well, talking to the girls' mothers are usually ok, coz they are totally harmless and they cook really yummy food. However, there was this grandmother, Zimah's bestfriend's grandmother to be exact, was such a horror. She started telling me about her life, her illnesses, her problems, her family...LIKE I CARE?! Hello, i'm just here coz i get free and nice food and also for the money. Do i look as if i am interested to listen to your pathetic sad life?? Well, i kinda pretended so actually.
Okok, slightly too harsh, sorry. Fine, i know i'll be old and sick one day and by then i will also probably have the effing urge to rant my sorrow to someone, but i'll make sure it's not a poor 19 year old girl, hands down.
All said and done, jalan raya was fun, and it kinda reminded me of the time when i did that 8-9 years ago with my own classmates. Damn, what a blast we had!
Friday, October 17, 2008
And i've hurt myself, by hurting you
Well, who doesn't have a past? I'm sure everybody has a "painful" past, depends on how you define "painful", of course!
People are not born with cynicism. It's just a trait that you pick up, and with practice you'll just master it! Being cynical usually gives one the impression that he/she has the upperhand in arguments. That is because you think that you are not the least bit hurt and by replying sarcastically and rudely most of the time, you believe that you are in control of the "game".
But why just stop there? Don't you think that when someone is being cynical, he/she is just trying to cover up the fact that he/she is actually the one who is badly hurt? How else to show that you ain't hurt but by pretending that you ain't hurt?!
Yes yes, it's all about the mind game. Typical.
Gosh, this entry is so self-reflective.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Would you dance, if i asked you to dance?
How Mothers are able to sacrifice half their life just to devote their time for their family wonders me.
And i don't think i am ever able to do that. Afterall, i am a self-centred biatch.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
You could be my black Kate Moss tonight
Using the same logic, i try to look at the positive side of the current situation that i'm in. Maybe this really happened for a reason. Maybe it's a test, to see how far we'll go. Maybe it's to see how strong our relationship is.
Or maybe i'm just deluding myself. Maybe this all happens just for the heck of it.
Maybe my mother is right she always claim to be anyways. If we manage to triumph over this, i guess we have become stronger than before. We will know that what we share is something that is worth fighting for. And it's also a good story to tell our grandchildren one day, haha.
But if we don't, which i kinda doubt so coz i really have alot of faith in you...then i don't have much else to say to anyone...besides the fact, hah mother, you are wrong!
goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend
someone gets hurt.
time and time again,
i'm the "bad" friend.
time and time again,
it's my fault till the end.
i'm the one to be blamed.
time and time again,
things won't ever be the same.
time and time again,
i'll lose someone.
time and time again,
i'll start blaming myself.
i act as if i'm tough.
time and time again,
i cry when no one's around.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
asyik bersembang pakcik dan makcik, hai duit raya lupa nak diberi
All these years, i never took those things seriously. I only thought that Hari Raya is a time to have fun, celebrate and collect more money. But i must say, this year's more emotional, more meaningful. And I think I have finally believed and experienced the real essence of Hari Raya.
Selamat Hari Raya to everybody. Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin :)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Notice you, noticing me
Contrary to what me and everyone else thought, the study date in the afternoon was a success, haha. When i said "success", i meant that the people who were there managed to talk to each other though i think they were never friends friends to begin with. If you ask me about the progress in their studying, i have no idea really.
Since i wasn't studying, i helped mark primary 4 papers. Goodness, the things they write really do amaze me sometimes. and to those taking A-levels, take my advice. GOOD HANDWRITING IS REALLY IMPORTANT. It is, i'm serious (Mira, please take note)! That's because i was very tempted to mark correct for most of the answers of this girl who had wonderful handwriting, though some of them were not right. It's like, just because of her handwriting, i just assumed that her answers were right. I mean, how can someone with nice handwriting go wrong right??
Then, i broke fast with Farhana at Makan Syiok! We managed to have a proper talk after quite a number of failed attempts. And babe, your dream is hilarious la! I have no idea why among all people, and i mean all people (including the ah peks in the world, haha), you have to have he-who-shall-not-be-named in your dream calling you...ok, let's just drop the subject alright!
Later, we had to rush off because she had tuition. She was late for it, of course, but there's always a blessing in disguise. We met our future boyfriend in the lift! Yes, our, because i don't mind sharing this one with Farhana. This guy's really good-looking (better looking than the brother who's actually good-looking too...well, that says something, right?) and intelligent looking (ok, it's thanks to the specs...). so now that he's all that, it doesn't matter that he's 14 right??
While waiting for Farhana to finish tuition, i spent time with Mira. Goodness, we were like drunk on plain water! We really LOL-ed all the way though i can't really remember what the heck was so funny yesterday, haha. We just sat at the playground, glancing at the fifth floor of that block, me secretly wishing that a good-looking someone will come to the window, haha.
"Notice you, noticing me..."
Mira and i just needed one decent photo of us. But we had to take like so many shots because something kept ruining it. Me laughing, me making Mira laugh, flash really blinding our eyes, Mira's right profile is better, etc etc.
When Farhana finally came down, we continued doing our nonsense at the void-deck. Gosh, i think i really haven't laughed so much in my entire life...ok maybe just not in a long time.
Girls, i really had a good time yesterday. Thanks :)
Dearest Fringe, please grow now?!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
i'm standing there, on the balcony of summer air
my hair looks wavier (is there such a word??), slightly shorter than usual but the best part is my hair has a freaking shape now. it doesn't look as limp and dead as before. oh but the boo part is, the fringe is cut abit too short, but it's ok, i'm still happy with the overall outcome.
i was so happy that i stood infront of the mirror with the fan blowing and started flipping my hair from one side to another. haha obsession!
okok, maybe my hair still looks pretty decent now coz it just got styled by the hairstylist. hopefully tomorrow when i'm meeting civilisation, it will still look this good.
now the wind can blow from any direction and the hair won't be such a mess. yay me! *think London* :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
kuih dan muih beraneka macam, makanlah jangan hanya dipandang
or maybe i'm just in the mood for Hari Raya :)
and today, i made Kueh Makmur. well, my only involvement is to sepit the kuehs. but that is hard work, no kidding. i sat for hours, watching Friends and tons other shows while doing the chore. but everything's all done now. apparently the kueh is good. not that i know, coz i don't like Kueh Makmur at all -.- dammit. and i spent half a day doing it, boo.
Friday, September 19, 2008
fellas, sometimes we gotta tell them ladies
for example, the book titled Family Tree. it's about a blonde couple who just got their first child. however, the baby has dark curls and tanned skin. they then start to track down their family. here then we can see how people are partial in their views about racism. like how we don't mind living next door to a black guy, but we may mind when our daughter marries a black guy.
currently, i'm watching the drama Vice Versa. it's about 3 different couples handling their own problems in their marriages. i know i know nothing about marriages, but this drama is unique in a way. that's coz each episode will be divided into 2. first half of the episode will be from the women's points of view and the other half will be from the men's. it's interesting to see the same scene being shot twice, but we see different perspectives from the different genders altogether.
let your soul gravitate to the love y'all
we get to choose whether we want to be educated...or being able to play piano...or cook well. to diss someone because of something that that person doesn't even get to choose in the first place is totally unfair. race is just something that we are born in. so how can some people use race as a factor to determine whether he/she is capable or talented enough?
just because one is of a particular race, doesn't make him/her a worse president.
these memories are playing like a film without sound
work. can't live with it, can't live without it, sigh.
i said to Nan, "thank you for accompanying me to buy the cake".
Midah said to me, "thank you for coming".
thank you. sometimes we do certain things just to spite people, and sometimes...we do almost anything for a friend.
i am not able to pen down the love, the emotion between people coz it just doesn't do justice. you feel it, i feel it. you understand it, i understand it. sometimes there's no need to stand on a roof and proclaim your love to someone. it's enough that those concerned know.
and i know you know.
happy 19th birthday Audrey!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
my heart's crippled by the vein that i keep on closing
phew, i almost died of suffocation in the hearts of geylang today, boo.
i don't want fahrin ahmad, it has come to a point where i need him, haha. i need him so that he can wear matching baju kurung with me :D
and first time ever, i felt bad leaving her all alone at the workplace, boo.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
does the man even know you're alive?
it was really like watching drama coz my sis and i bought ice-cream and chocolate drinks and walked all the way there just to kaypoh2. talk about typical singaporeans. hmmph.
i should just forbid the mother from buying bed sheets for me from now on. the last time she bought me was this green colour thing(!!! omg are you serious!) which i totally didn't like. her reason for buying that was that the colour would fit everything else that was on my bed. i have teddy which is brown, turtle which is green, bantal busuk which is green and my blanket which is brown. so she thought that a green coloured bed sheet will totally match the theme -.-''
for this year hari raya, she bought me this pink coloured bed sheet. pink still isn't so bad. the sheet has this huge roses on it. and trust me, when i mean huge, i mean huge! totally not exaggerating. sigh.
till then..."why don't you be my girlfriend, i'll treat you good..." haha i don't know why the song is stuck in my head.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
wise up now or pay the cost
anyway, since we were like so close to each other on the bus, we started talking. super awkward, coz the conversation was all about knowing each other's family all over again. like excuse me, she was already supposed to know that i'm the eldest in the family!!
ok the fact that she asked me whether i was eldest in the family was still not so bad. if that shows that our relationship as neighbours suck, wait till this.
me: so just got back from work?
her: yeah...erm you do know that i don't live there anymore right?
me: huh, oh! you don't live opposite us anymore?
her: erm yeah, like *start counting* 6 months?? yeah, half a year already.
me: oh! *embarrassed already* so only your parents live there now?
her: oh they are actually my parents-in-law.
me: oh yeah yeah... *gosh*
telekong-shopping part 1 was a failure, boo.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
you're my sunshine when my mind gets clouded
if anybody wants to watch Make It Happen, please please please, just rent a dvd. don't buy, rent. take it from someone who cares.
and if you don't know that there is such a movie, then forget it, don't bother finding out.
i spent $27.90 on food today. seriously shimah, just because pay was out like 2 days ago, doesn't mean can splurge like that! think hari raya, think nice nice clothes, think nice nice treats :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
old as ancient skies, had at these wandering eyes

painting all my dreams the color of your smile
so well, camp rock is no different. besides the fact that i think demi lovato smiles a bit too widely, that i think the sides of mouth is going to tear and she's going to be the next Joker but nicer...well, then yeah camp rock is really not that bad.
most people around me say that disney movies are for kids/waste of time/typical storylines. ok maybe partly true, but they are still entertaining! and i'm sure some of them do watch but they have all this talk coz they wanna be "cool" and "mature".
reminds me of a colleague who was so against me playing jonas brothers songs at the workplace. next thing i know, she was singing to the chorus of sos. haha, hmm.
hands down, i will agree with mira and say that camp rock has a way better storyline. and the characters don't irritate me so much like some *ehem troy ehem* hsm *ehem gabriella ehem* characters.
i'm on hsm's side here. i really can't understand the choreography in camp rock at all. even the dance numbers like "hasta la vista", "too cool" and "we rock" left me clueless and uninspired. those over the top ryan&sharpay performances are way way better.
kevin is really funny. and that's why i think i like him better than nick though everybody is so into nick for his cute looks. he looks like adam lamberg, better known as "gordo" in lizzie mcguire, for goodness sake!
now, i'm just waiting for the VMAs. britney, please perform on the show :)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache
i want to trim my hair.
i want to style me hair hot.
i want sining's hair (who cares if her hair is 50% fake!)
to hell with priyanka chopra's voluminous hair, boo.
i'm Scoopy X people. shit man, there's a complaint against me. oh wells! *shrugs*
i don't like her in any way possible. don't like to see her at work, don't like to joke with her (never liked anyway), don't like to have any form of communication with her. boo her!
funny as it sounds, i need to go telekong shopping!!! :D
Friday, September 5, 2008
to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
i mean, you just sit there, look outside, listen to music, stone maybe??'s pretty relaxing! and the plus plus point? you get to explore areas of singapore that you never knew existed!...ok, maybe it doesn't sound as interesting as i find them, but heck! everybody should try it once in awhile. it helps, especially when you just wanna emo maybe, or trying to find a solution to a problem.
ok but, you have to be willing to spend hours (sometimes literally) on the bus. i have no idea why, but that fact never seems to bother me. ok maybe once - when i took 66 from bedok all the way to jurong east. that horrible bus ride lasted more than 2 hours. horrors. i have no idea how the paternal grandmother endures that. ok digressed...
basically, for a person to enjoy the long bus rides, you have to be like me...the "relek one corner" kind. i don't mind wasting time on bus rides. for those typical singaporeans who always rush here and there, i'll suggest you just keep to your normal mrt and cabs, hmm.
but one thing i will always remember about long bus rides is the bus rides with you.
197. bugis. jurong east.
and babe, i miss getting lost again, weirdly as it sounds.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
i'm hot, you're cold

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
if you text it, i'll delete it
she left in 12 hours time. that's the fastest so far, and no, i'm not complaining. in her first 1/2 hour in the house, she started commenting about the house already. apparently, there's something wrong with the fact that the washing machine is near to the toilet. seriously, dude, why do you care? it's not as if you can't fit or something.
and in case you need to know why we have the washing machine so close to the toilet like you claimed, let me tell you. that is because in case a fragile figure like you happen to slip and fall or something, you have the support of the washing machine! and erm, that explanation is actually a quote from your daughter-in-law.
nevermind about that...i actually spent the whole night, watching some malay thing on tv with her and the father! i sacrificed all my hannah montana, wizards of the waverly place, the suite life of zack and cody and unfabulous.
thank goodness i managed to catch like 15min of life with derek coz by that time of the night, she was too tired and went to sleep on ZIMAH's bed. let us be clear again, ZIMAH's bed.
speaking of zimah, that poor kid was so angry yesterday. she and i waited like more than 1hr for the grandmother's arrival. i wasn't too bored coz i was reading my storybook, but zimah, she can barely sit still for 10min. she started telling me all these lame stories and jokes.
we also got so hungry and we ate 5 fish otak-otak each. hmm. she's so cute, i just love her :)
cynicism aside, a grandmother is still a grandmother. she seemed so small and vulnerable yesterday. she was pretty glad that we fetched her coz she forgot her way to the house (hmm, do i sense some form of senile here??) she smiled, thanked and even patted me. that's like a first...after a very long time coz i really can't remember when was the last.
all in all, i think the father was impressed with my performance (oh the father doesn't know that i pretended to be nice). i'm pretty impressed myself. come to think of it, the visit was more of an inspection. like how everybody behaves when the principal is in the class. suddenly the house was extra extra quiet last night. nobody quarrelled with each other and nobody lol-ed either.
oh wells, things are going back to normal by today. oh but i'm sure going to miss something, now that she's gone. i'm going to clean room!!!
now that there's nobody else to impress, and the mother doesn't count, the room will be back to its normal messy form again by the end of the week. till then!
i find it really funny (not as in haha funny, but weird funny) that i saw my 2 grandmothers yesterday, but my sis and i treated and behaved towards each of them so differently.
i love you nenek ibu!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
the flowers are faded now, along with your letters

Sunday, August 24, 2008
and when i'm quiet, you break through my shell

Thursday, August 21, 2008
coz if i've got you, i don't need money, i don't need cars
"i'm older, so you have to listen to me."
"i'm older, so i'm right."
(though i'm sure it works sometimes!)
i'm glad i have you. you're younger but you keep teaching me new stuff, without exactly teaching them. you are such a good role model to me, without you intending to be one to begin with.