Maybe, it's time for a haircut, hmm.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Maybe, it's time for a haircut, hmm.
Sabra et Dominic dance Hip hop Rnb ( Ne-yo Make it work )
It's nice to see non-gangsta hip hop once in awhile :)
Seriously dude, SERIOUSLY!! 2 lines of reply?!
But yeah, ok, whatever, I guess I should be happy that atleast I got a reply and Midah said it is really REALLY from him. I'm quite cynical about that though, but omg I can't be bothered already.
So yup, I didn't lose my mind. Midah didn't lose hers too. Everything is still normal.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I'm Lovin' It
I gave her 3 different products, though all 3 were endorsed by the same person - Justin Timberlake. Which is not the point by the way, cause the big main picture is I came up with 3 different products!!
So, as it turns out, stalking him has finally benefited someone! Now nobody has any right to stop me from stalking him man! Or as for now, Vivek Oberoi, though I don't know whether he endorses anything, for that matter.
Anyways, anybody else needs help with their assignments??
Sony Ping Pong Hot Commercial Feat. Justin Timberlake and Peyton Manning
He's just too cute la *shrugs*
Too Little, Too Late
I know I'm late but can you please make Him reply my email asap please?
If he ever replies my email, I think I might just lose my mind man.
And yeah, Midah might lose hers too.
Arrghhh!! Too much excitement in one body. I might get a heart attack man!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
SYTYCD Can S02 Top 18 Results Bollywood Choreo
I think the boys are nonsense. Thank God they were at the back most of the time. The girls were amazing though.
Love the whole hand thing at 1:26-1:30. Not easy man, NOT easy, trust me on that.
so you think you can dance-dhoom tana
Bet you have never seen that one before!! So much energy man. Totally love it :D
Some people think Bollywood dance is easy but from I learnt from Celestine's dance, it is probably one of the hardest ones. The knees, the thighs...major OUCH man!!
My Riyaaz Masood
I want to watch all his movies, despite them being flops. Midah and I decided on Fool & Final the other day cause Vivek and Shahid were in it. Vivek and Shahid in a movie together?? Hell yeah, I'm watching that one.
I know it was flop, but we still watched it. And yes, sadly enough, that was a STUPID movie and I don't think I've ever said that about any movie before.
Now I want to have a Vivek's movie marathon. Watch his movies all day, go awww and scream like teenage girls and dream about him at night. Yup, sounds like a great plan to me.
Quote of the day:
Good friends don't let you do stupid things...alone.
Friday, December 25, 2009
This is probably the first Vivek movie that I had watched before, so to me this song is a classic.
And omg his soft and flowy hair in 1:51 just makes me want to run my fingers through them :D
Thursday, December 24, 2009
dum - song by Vivek Oberoi
I never really thought that he can dance!! I love the choreography and the dancing in the chorus. One more brownie point for you honey :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Get ready, get set, go!
How I'm going to fit all these in my life, I have no idea. I might be slightly too ambitious though but I like to be on the go anyways (I think??).
Well, I can see 2 outcomes out of this packed schedule:
1) stressed, tired and feel like dying most of the time
2) new experience, new people and probably new sort of fun
All I'm hoping for is to get a breather once in awhile :)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hollywood Meets Accounting
Me: Did the lecturer just say "ledger"? As in like Heath Ledger??
Neeta: Yes, but we are talking accounting now. No hollywood-hollywood alright!
Ok point taken. But atleast I was paying attention to every single word that the lecturer was saying!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Somebody call 911
Let's robot-talk instead! Beep beep boop boop beep.

Michael Bublé - "Haven't Met You Yet" Official Video
If it's not for Sezairi who sang this on SI the other day, this song will probably not be on my playlist right now.
I think Michael Buble looks like Matt Giraud. Mira, do you remember Matt?? And I love the girl's lashes. She's so pretty!! Overall, this video is just cute man :)
Just haven't met you yet :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
I watched POTC the other day. That should explain this.
I'm not a fan of the accent, but this was funny! And yes, of course it helps that Orlando's in it. Pfft.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Needs To Be Exorcised
Things I Never Knew About Myself:
1) I have serious issues with myself, and that's not even the problem! The problem is I don't know what the issues are exactly, though I'm pretty sure there are issues to be dealt with. Cause if there aren't any in the first place, how else do you explain me being so upset on Friday??
2) No matter how psychic my friends can be (actually I'm just talking about one friend in particular here, but what the hell, let's just talk general alright!), they may not be able to understand some of your behaviours. But that doesn't mean they don't care!
But it just made me feel like an idiot sometimes trying to explain myself to a friend whom I thought knows me inside out. Which probably means I have to deal with this problem myself, which also further proves point 1.
3) I'm very passionate about the things I like...and the things I don't like. I can love someone/something with passion, but I can also hate someone/something with a lot of passion.
I think I need to see a counsellor so that I can figure out my issues, in order to fight my inner demons!! (Which I think might be a fun experience!) I have 2 friends taking Psychology, so Midah and Mira, I'm expecting both of you to give me a free consultation one of these days alright!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thinking Of You - Katy Perry |HQ|
This song is currently on repeat mode though it makes me sad everytime i listen to it.
That being said, I'm loving those heels man!!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thinking of you

I've always blamed it on the circumstances. When things change, we change too right? Because we have to adapt to the changes around us.
It was just me. While you were there, hanging on, waiting for me, I ran away.
Far, far away.
But maybe, after 2 years now, it's worth another shot.
Yesterday, while cleaning my room, I found my collection box where I put in letters, cards, photos and stickers even that I've received from other people.
I think alot of people have their own collection of items. But what kept me thinking is whether I'm part of their collections, just as much as they are a part of mine?
But on a more practical note, I need to go to Daiso very soon to get a big box cause currently I have 3 small boxes of items lying around in different areas in the room.
Milk and cookies, anyone??

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Me
Sunday, November 22, 2009
FYI, I'm Attached
So when my father came home that night, this was what happened:
(the translated version)
Me: Dad, I've got something to show you!! It's a picture of my boyfriend!! (With lots of excitement btw, in case you can't sense it.)
Hisham: Really? I want to see!! (Excited as well, though at that time I couldn't understand why.)
Me: Okayyy... Anyway, here he is. That's the Number 53 Thai guy!! (Showing my father and brother the newspaper clipping.)
Hisham: Ohhh...I thought you meant like a REAL boyfriend. Chey!! (Went off to continue to watch a soccer match on tv.)
And by now, I have totally forgotten what my father's response to all this cause I was just stumped with what Hisham said. Did he actually think I was going to announce my new boyfriend like that? Running from my room to the living room with a photo of him in my hand? Wow!
But just for the fun of it, maybe I should try that someday. You won't know till you try, right?
Oh and I couldn't call him Mr 53 Hot Stuff in the house. My father will flip if I use such language in his living room. Apparently ladies don't speak like that. Pfft.
Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani - Prem Ki Naiya
I love the first 29 seconds.
I'm really trying not to sound mushy here, but I swear there's something different about him. I still can't figure out what exactly, and I may never be able to maybe, but there is something.
Is it his facial expressions? Is it because he's just charming? Is it because he's a great mover? I don't know, maybe all 3.
One thing's for sure, though - he's going to be big. And by big, I meant a big superstar, because Zimah though I meant literally, since the whole Kapoor family are all big-szized, hmph.
If not for some of the unnecessary parts towards the end, I may actually consider watching this movie again in the cinema.
You sweet thing
I sorta have baked stuff before at work. I called it "sorta" because we don't need to make the brownies and cookies from scratch. We just take out the ready-made batter and put it in the oven. As simple as that, ANYONE can bake brownies and cookies at B&J.
But today, Zimah and I baked cupcakes. And yes, from scratch. I even went to Giant to buy the ingredients that my mum didn't have in her kitchen.
To be fair, for all that I did today, I must credit Zimah because she was the one who initiated the whole idea. And she almost literally dragged me to Giant to get the ingredients. And to the mother too, of course. She supported us throughout the whole thing, though I think she was actually there to make sure that us girls didn't mess up her kitchen, yeah that's more likely.
But oh wells! I'm pretty proud of Zimah and I nonetheless. Zimah suggested that we bake donuts next week. Zimah's done with school for the year, so that explains her enthusiasm. I'm just hoping that I can keep up with her man!
Till then, cupcakes anyone?
Oh, photos of the cupcakes that we made are below. They don't look very pretty like those in the cupcake shops, but they were atleast edible and yummy. And for now, I'm happy with just that.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Support Local Talent
Which they did eventually actually, but that's not the point. My father wasn't very happy when I said that and he started blabbering that with people like me who don't support local talent, how will they grow? To which I really wanted to retort, "What talent?" but decided against it cause that argument could have gone all night.
I said I'm not a fan. That doesn't mean I don't support. I watch Singapore Idol religiously every week and I consider that as support. I know alot of people who don't watch. And hello! I voted 3 times during the finals of the first season and I strongly believe that because of those 3 IMPORTANT votes, Taufik Batisah was crowned as the first Singapore Idol, thank you very much.
So moving back to that soccer match, I ended up watching it with Zimah and Hisham because frankly speaking, there was nothing else on tv. But see, I could have gone online or read a book! But no, I decided to SUPPORT our local talent and spent (wasted, more like it) 90 mins of my life watching 22 (I think?) boys kicking and passing and catching balls. Fun, eh?
Fine, sarcasm aside, I actually enjoyed watching that match, and that is coming from me, Ms Shimah who knows nothing about soccer! That says something, I'd say. And it helps ALOT that there was a cute Thai guy playing as well. I don't know his name but his jersey number is 53. Don't judge me, I'm sure alot of girls who are supposedly soccer fans are more interested in the "good-looking" guys than the match itself anyways.
FYI, the score of the match was 3-1. My father came home late and only managed to catch the last 30 mins of the match. He was so disappointed cause the score was 2-0 at that time and a few mins after, it became 3-0. After that goal, my father exclaimed, "Alah, buat malu la Singapore!" grabbed his bag and went to shower.
While he was in the shower, Singapore scored that one (pathetic) goal, to which my father obviously missed. Yup, so much for supporting local talent!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Here are the results:
At a Glance
- Takes time over tasks, sees deadlines as flexible (Yep!)
- Expresses emotions and needs attention. Tends to be concerned with own opinions and feelings. (Haha yep!)
- Faithful, trustworthy and devoted in long-term relationships.
- Sees people as nice and friendly, not comfortable to wheel and deal.
- Practical, prefers to build on idea rather that generate them. (Lazy la.)
- Needs clear and thorough instructions, slow to act when uncertain. (Haha true!)
While at Work
Ms Shimah is prepared to put in hard work moderately but she may at times prefer to work at her own pace. (Slow and steady man.)
Time is not a major priority for Ms Shimah. She is probably often late for appointents and may keep people waiting. She see deadlines as flexible and takes her time to do things. She is not time-conscious when planning or organising activities. Ms Shimah may feel stressed and demotivated when she is rushed, and may not deliver results on time. (Ok everyone knows this already.)
Ms Shimah is an emotional person. She finds it difficult to conceal her feelings. She is likely to seek attention from others. Ms Shimah is passionate, romantic and warm, and needs to be with people. As her emotional needs are high, she is often the "taker" in a relationship. She tends to make decisions based on her own feelings and opinions. (The "taker"? Wow.)
Although Ms Shimah is usually a sympathetic person, she may at times be selective about being involved in the personal problems of people.
Ms Shimah is friendly and outgoing when she is with friends although she may at times prefer to be quiet. (True, though people usually think I'm emo-ing then, pfft.)
Ms Shimah is the sort of person who forms long term bonds and attachments. She is faithful, trustworthy, and devoted in such relationships. She tends to be trusting, dedicated and protective towards those she loves. Patriotism and sense of duty is a significant aspect of her character.
Ms Shimah is moderately serious about her responsibilites and selectively takes ownership of her work.
Ms Shimah is moderately concerned with prestige, rank and reputation.
Ms Shimah sees people as friends, reliable and honest. She is trusting and believes what people say. She tends to be unsuspecting of people's behaviour and motives. (Ok not true, cause I wasn't totally honest when answering this part, haha!)
Ms Shimah's leadership qualities are moderate and she is sometimes able to get the support of people.
Intellectual matters do not interest Ms Shimah. She is more concerned with practical issues that abstract theories. Ms Shimah prefers to talk about useful and workable solutions than discuss hypotheses and concepts. She is more likely to build on ideas rather than generate them. (Gosh, so true, sigh.)
Ms Shimah puts in effort to plan ahead some of the times. She may at times not be as detailed in her planning.
Ms Shimah is generally able to express herself although not to a high degree of eloquence. (What!!)
Being one who needs clear and thorough instructions before she can proceed on action, Ms Shimah resists when conditions are uncertain. (I sound like a Patrick here, pfft.) She does not adapt easily to changes. Before she embarks on a new project, expect Ms Shimah to find out more and probe deeply. (Who wouldn't?)
According to the site, the point of doing this test is so that I can work on my weaknesses. Right, like I would do anything about them.
But if any potential employer ever see this, I am never getting a job man! That's why I didn't send this together with my resume. Frankly, I wouldn't even hire myself. I'm such a slacker sometimes. But, well, when I am in the mood I will definitely get the job done...I think?
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's not so easy loving me
Certain stuff just makes me selfish, I guess. I choose to believe I'm not like that most of the time (you may choose to differ), but I can't help being selfish sometimes.
I guess, when it concerns things that are important to me, I would want the best. Who doesn't? And when this happens, I don't care about other people's feelings, I don't care about promises made earlier on. I'm just insistent I want things done my way, and nothing else is allowed.
I love my friends, of course I do. But that doesn't mean I'm supposed to make exceptions when it concerns them right?
I would want to say "I'm sorry". But that's the thing, I'm not sorry at all. People say sorry all the time; when they are late, when they cancel on someone, etc... but why say sorry, when what you've done earlier was on purpose?
But see, people expect you to be sorry, cause that's the right thing to do. And that's where I don't fit in, cause I do stuff sometimes, knowing they are not right, and I don't give a hoot. But see, that's just me, everybody else seems just fine.
I wish my selfishness doesn't have to cause pain for anyone. But if it does, then I'm sorry. Not because of what I did to you, but because this hurts you. Does this even make sense? I wouldn't want to do it if I had a choice, but see everything we do, we actually have a choice. And I choose to hurt you so that I can be happy.
Ok now that I've put it that way, my sorry isn't going to make a difference anyways.
We accept our loved ones for all the quirks that come along with them. I'm selfish, and the least you can do is accept it, I guess.
To long-lasting friendship...what say?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Koi Ladki Hai English Subtitles
It all started when Zimah and I were on our way home from IMM (oh Mira, we bought nonsense at Daiso again, your fault la, haha) when it started to rain. I asked Zimah whether she wanted to take the bus instead, but she didn't mind getting wet today (probably because we had no one to answer to when we got home all wet since our parents were not in town).
So, walking in the rain always reminds me of Bollywood and Zimah pointed out this song specifically, which we know as the "Chak Dum Dum" song. We didn't break out into a dance and there was nobody else to join us as background dancers, so yep, just the 2 of us, in the rain, walking home.
While walking home, Zimah told me that she didn't know what Dil To Pagal Hai is about. I was appalled! How can you be my sister when you don't know what's DTPH is about? Ok fine, drama aside, I then told her the story. So now Zimah probably believes that there is someone out there made just for her.
Ok shit, not true, that's not Zimah.
That's me.
If You Smiling, That Should Set The Tone
My mother thought JT looked like Kris Allen. I told her she needs to get her eyesight checked.
My father said there's nothing special about JT. Apparently he strongly believes that he's better looking and a far better singer than JT. Puiii!
My sister tried to sing all the high notes to irritate me and kept calling him "Botak Head".
I have such a supportive family.
Duane finally got his big fat ass of SI yesterday! Dammit, best SI episode ever man. I really truly hope that the girls will not get eliminated any time soon cause a) I'm a feminist, and b) the boys suck la dey!
Ok actually, Sezairi isn't so bad. He's quite original though I wasn't all that blown away by his What Goes Around performance yesterday. You think you can pull off a JT song? Think again, dude.
I hope top 3 will be Tabitha, Sylvia and Sezairi. If top 3 consists of any other nonsense (say Charles and Faizal), I will be terribly embarrased to call myself a Singaporean. Sucks.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Life Is Short: Eat Pudding First
So, whenever someone asks me out, I will make sure that I have a purpose to do out there before I decide to go out with that person. Sometimes I don't even want to go out just to have a meal with someone. Come on, why should I go out when I have food at home, and more importantly, when it's free?
Once in awhile, I do make some exceptions. Cause either a) food at home sucks, b) I need a break from home, c) I haven't met you in a long time, or d) you sound as if you need someone desperately.
On Wednesday, I met up with Mira and I think the reason would be (c).
I was an hour late, and finally met up with her at 3pm at JE library. And I managed to borrow 2 books! I was so happy because I haven't read a book in a really long time. And I think the books that I borrowed are going to be awesome though both of them are about a mother-child relationship.
And for the record, I'm not pregnant Mira. I just like love themes. Well, there was a point of time in my life where I would reach for any Mary Higgins Clark or Sidney Sheldon book cause I was such a thriller fan then. I especially loved it when I guessed the murderer correctly from the start.
I remembered once, I even called Mira at night cause I was so excited with how the story was unfolding and when I finally got the murderer right.
But that's the thing about thriller books! After you read enough books, you can start guessing from the beginning who the murderer might be. They are always the most unlikely person, cause if it was that obvious, then what's so exciting when the murderer finally got revealed in the end right?
Like in the book that I just described, the murderer was the lady living next door who was so nice to the main character throughout the story. Typical. Pfft.
Ok, I digressed alot! After we borrowed books, we had lunch at LJS. That reminds me, I want to go there again for that Grilled Chicken Wrap. Mmm!
After that, we went Daiso. For no particular reason actually, cause Mira just wanted to get all sorts of junkies then. And I decided to join in with her. I usually don't buy stuff that I don't need, but it was Daiso, everything was $2!
So I bought a colouring book, colour pencils and a folding fan. Do I need any of them? No, of course not. But the pleasure that I got from buying them was simply amazing. I don't even know why I felt good after that (maybe because I only spent $6).
Maybe because colouring reminds me of childhood, and sometimes I just want to be a child again. It was so much simpler then. Why do I need a folding fan? Ok, to be fair, it was a cute one, with a photo of jellybeans on it. And I'm smiling right now, just thinking about it.
Lastly, we went to Popular after that and I bought this really really adorable notebook which cost $9.90, yikes! Any normal day, and usually the normal me won't buy that book cause I don't know what I'm going to use it for. But I bought it nonetheless cause there was only 1 left and it was calling out to me, "Buy me, Shimah, buy me!".
Ok, I think I might use it for school, though I'm not so sure about that. Or maybe I bought it just to keep and stare at it cause it's so pretty! Hmm, I don't know.
Maybe sometimes we don't need to catch a movie. Maybe sometimes we don't have to have our day all planned out. Maybe sometimes we can just have a Cornetto ice-cream in the rain. Or play hop-scotch even (there's one under my grandmother's voiddeck btw!).
I don't know what's becoming of me these few days. I'm listening to slow songs, I even changed my JT ringtone to something that I think won't be able to wake me up if I was sleeping. And I'm reading love stories, and not forgetting I colour my new colouring book when I'm free.
Simple pleasures have become so much more significant.
With that, let's just live it people.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Oh time, hold still, stop, wait
Today, it rained again in the late afternoon. So I was lying down on the bed, and the radio kept playing SRK's songs non-stop and then I remembered that it's his birthday today. Ahh, bliss.

So what did I do today? Slacked on the bed, listened to SRK's songs while it was raining outside. I'd say that's really romantic, wouldn't you? The only thing missing was me imagining him in my room, singing, "Ho gaya hai tujhko to pyar sajna".
I know the photo and the song are from 2 different movies, but I like his hair better in KKHH la. Atleast it looked washed unlike his hair in DDLJ.
Before my entry sounds like (a freaked) someone's else's blog entry on MJ, I'll end here.
Happy 44th Birthday SRK! Make more great movies :)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Let the monsters see you smile

Today, I went to watch My Sister's Keeper with Fizah at Kallang Leisure Park (erm, I hope I got the name of the place right?). Before we got in, the Mat who was checking our tickets told us that the movie was going to be "emo giler". I won't say "giler" but oklah, pretty much sad.
Sigh, I could have cried more during the movie actually, but I just don't do that in theatres, especially with Fizah by my side (actually, anybody else for that matter). I think if I were to watch this movie alone, then yes, I would probably have cried (wailed, to be exact) like how I did when Bruce Willis' character was talking to Liv Tyler's character for the last time in Armageddon.
I feel like reading this book now, so I would probably borrow it from the library soon. Come to think of it, I sorta miss reading. Haven't read a storybook in a really long time (and Zimah's library books don't count, sadly enough).
Fizah, got this for you
I tried looking for photos of him, but he has too many hairstyles going on, I just don't know which one to choose for you. One thing's for sure though, he would be great on Twilight, should become a vampire. Such a bad boy man!
On a different note altogether...
People shouldn't lie when they suck at it. Why do some people actually think that they might get lucky and look believable when they lie, when they cannot lie to save their lives?
And when people want to tell a secret, they either go all out and tell the whole thing, or if not, they should just keep their mouth shut. Why tease with people's feelings like it's a joke?
I'm listening to OST of My Sister's Keeper right now, and thank God, these songs are keeping me cool-headed. I can't be mad at you guys anymore. Just disappointed.
I guess, it takes all kinds of people to make this world huh?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Me, you and the dancefloor

Haha, is it weird that I find this insanely hilarious? Just imagine man.
Ok, that was funny and all, but I hope it will never happen, God forbid.
Anyway, found this somewhere on the net:
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, "Damn, that was fun". ~ Unknown
Haha, frankly speaking I can so imagine us doing that. You'll probably try to serenade me with your version of Chand Chupa Badal Mein too.
Ok, so need to sleep now.
Monday, October 26, 2009
We say lets hang up on 3 but we don't ever do it
Met up with Farhana at Dhoby Ghaut and went to Gramophone. I got to reserve JT's FutureSex/LoveSounds concert in dvd form. Wicked awesome man! Once I get my pay next week, I'm so getting that dvd.
We were so very high then. We might have had happy danced all the way to Taka but decided not to. Afterall, we were looking somewhat demure than usual cause we were both in skirts. Sweeet!!!
I have been craving for satay for quite awhile now, so we decided to go to Harbourfront food centre for it. And omfg, we were very VERY disappointed when we found out that that place is closed for renovation. Arghhh, among all times man, it just had to be yesterday.
I was pretty surprised that my parents had no idea about that place being under renovation. You know parents, they usually know which place sells the best nasi lemak, which place moved where, which place is new and good, etc... So dang man! I finally found out something first before them.
We must have craved for satay real bad, cause I can't believe typing this now that we actually went to West Coast food centre for satay after that. Yup!
I swear, it's like we weren't fated to eat satay yesterday or something cause after ordering satay, we had to wait for 45 (holy crap!) mins for it. Can you believe that?! We might have gone crazy, pulling out hair out or something, but we spent that time playing Scissors Papers Stone instead -_-'' Oh, and we kept staring at this small girl who behaved really retarded-ly cause she kept going "Mama, mama" (no, she wasn't lost) and walking around like a zombie! Freakkky!
Got our satay after our many attempts of trying to be all gangsta so that they will serve our satay soon and dang, we weren't too happy with the satay. Nothing wow-ish, and if my father was there, he would have gone, "Kuah cair sey!"
Basically, I'm still craving for satay. Good ones, definitely.
Today. Do people actually know that there's a mall in Clementi? I bloody live one station away and I've never stepped inside that place. But since Farhan wanted to go there, oh wells.
Went for dinner with Farhana, Midah and Farhan at erm...I don't know what that place is called again, but yeah some sushi restaurant alright. Omg, I'm so never going to ANY sushi restaurant for a meal ever again.
Sushis are fine usually, but the kinds I eat are usually from Jason's Marketplace and they are nice. But sushis for dinner? Weirrrd. And $8 for some pieces of fish wrapped in seaweed and waffle with ice cream (yup, waffle with ice cream at a sushi restaurant, dude!)? Yup, never going back there again.
Midah and I bought durian pancakes later. Oh my heavenly god! They were so orgasmic, I tell you. They were so good, that I told Midah, "Who needs sex when you can have durians?". Mira, I should bring you there one day alright!
Next time if I feel bummed again, I'll just go there and buy durian pancakes. Too good man, too good.
Still feeling really high, but for now I need to get some sleep, thanks to the flu that just doesn't seem to stop! Boo.
This is not a poem, dammit
I hate it when I regret telling you everything.
I hate it when you don't react how I want you to.
But then again, I can't control how you react though how I wish I could.
I hate myself for being such a big mouth.
I hate myself for not being able to control my emotions.
I hate the fact that I can be really high one second, and really bummed the next.
I hate the fact that how the little little things can change my mood just like that.
I hate letting myself cry.
I hate not being able to stop the tears from flowing.
I hate that I can't tell you how I feel.
I hate how today ended.
I was a good day.
No, it was great.
It was.
It really was.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I'll be your bf and you'll be mine...Valentine
I laugh when I get texts from Farhana and I laugh even harder when she plays along. And when she calls, I simply go mental.
What is better than having your bf be your "bf" right?
Monday, October 19, 2009
Can't stop cause it feels like an overdose
I have so much positive energy right now, that if any boy asks me out and he wants to go absailing, I will say yes in a heartbeat.
So, went out with Farhana 3 times this week, which is totally awesome. She introduced me to naan, this indian food that I never knew existed (and I call myself 1/4 indian, bullshit).
And to top it all off, went to watch my boy, Kamal Adli, and the rest of the cast of Impak Maksima Muzikal on Saturday.

Decent looking? Checked.
Tall? Checked (180cm to be exact).
Just nice body? Checked.
Nice hair? Checked.
Can dance? Checked (to be fair, he can groove, I'm still not sure about dancing).
Can sing? Hell yeahhh!
Well, singing has always been an option to me, but since he can sing, there's 1 more brownie point for you honey!
Also, met up with Midah on Friday. Was supposed to go to ECP with her but in the end we ended up going for ice-cream at Andersen's at IMM and later hung out at Toh Guan.
Gosh, I miss dancing so much now. I don't intend to go back to O School though. I need another place that's more fun and less expensive. But where mannn!
And I need to find Justin Timberlake's FutureSex/LoveSounds concert at NY. I have been watching the concert on youtube and it is just sick man! Hopefully, Gramophone has it and I desperately need to get it.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Summer Love Justin Timberlake
I don't know what else to say about Justin that I've never said before :D
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Rapping till we see the sun
I'll buy ice-cream and cheer you up when you're crying.
I'll come and rescue you from a bad date if you want me to.
I'll miss my favourite show on tv just so I can spend more time with you.
I'll take long rides home with you for the fun of it.
I'll try to be patient when you give me bullshit.
I'll tease you about that boy whom you find cute.
I'll hate anyone who doesn't treat you good.
I'll pay for your stuff when you're broke.
I'll make you laugh the entire night with my jokes.
I'll talk to you on the phone for hours when you're bored.
I'll still love you even when I get ignored.
For all the times that we've shared before.
To call it love just isn't enough anymore.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor
Ah! I'm addicted to this real bad. Such a club song man but damn cool moves.
Kaminey funny shahid
Midah! Remember how we laughed like crazy from 0:29 part onwards? Though from 2:00 onwards, it was really violent. I couldn't stand it.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Coffee Bean and bubble tea
I believe maturity comes with age. That being said, how fast someone matures varies from person to person. As in, a 30 years old person doesn't necessarily be wiser that a 20 years old, but that 30 years old dude is definitely more mature that when he was 20 himself.
Once, a friend told me that I've changed, and she didn't like it. I was surprised with that comment cause I didn't think I've changed at all. So I went to another friend and asked her. The second friend said that yes, I've changed, but she liked the new me.
So it is true then. I've changed. We usually don't realise that we've changed cause we are so used to being us. But people who are around us, who observe us, may be able to see the changes.
I watched Oprah (cause Justin was on it) the other day, and I learnt one thing. We are not supposed to want to be with our partner, hoping that one day, we will be able to change our partner, because trust me, that ain't ever going to happen.
When we choose to be with our partner/friend for the rest of our life, we are also not supposed to want to do that only because we like our partner/friend as how he/she is right now. Cause we are all going change.
When we devote ourselves in any relationship, we are to do that with the belief that we are going to grow together. Because only with that, we can accept the changes that not only our partner/friend is going to go through, but ourselves as well.
Afterall, friends are the family we choose for ourselves.
To end this entry, here's a few lines from the song, Flaws and All by Beyonce.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Enough is enough, dude
And I have you to thank. Thanks alot for doing whatever you did to me. Because without that, then I would not have changed, then all these things would never have happened and I won't be this happy.
Yes, I'm happier now than when I was with you during all those times (well, this might be totally exaggerated, but I don't care). What a pity, don't you think? Considering you are...
[HD] So You Think You Can Dance Season 5 Top 10 Dancing On Ellen Show 09/08/2009- Part 1
I've always known she can groove, but HELL, i never thought she could dance like that!
Kudos to you Ellen. Respect!
Dil Bole Hadippa
And what makes it more special?
To have my Psychic Babe to share it with. It's nice to have someone else to talk about it to. Atleast she understands what (the hell) I'm going through, because I know for a fact that nobody else can, though how much they try to.
Sometimes I really wonder, what would I do without her.
Who will I share all this excitement with then?
Who will talk to me till 2am in the morning discussing the same thing (omg why is Shahid so cute!) all over again.
Who can read my mind just through sms/msn?
Who can see things exactly the same way as I do?
Babe, here's for you :) I don't know what tomorrow has for us, but all I can say for now is that I appreciate you so much in my life, you probably don't know that.
Cya on thursday :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
If the world was Cadbury
I just wish that there could be a better way for one to show his/her concern.
Certain things are just associated with certain people. It's like how singing "All About You" off-key is a Me-Zimah thing. Or how taking long rides home is a Farhana-Me thing.
Because of the fact that these things have become personal to you, they become exclusive. As a result, you don't even want to try doing it with someone else. It might be fun singing off-key with other people, who knows, but you just won't do it.
You just don't want to open up and give someone else a chance. Yes, like I've mentioned, it might be more exciting , but what you don't know won't harm you, no? Ignorance IS bliss.
People like things to always be the way they are. Because with change, there's that uncertainty with how things are going to turn out. And with that, there's fear and people don't like to be afraid. They want to be in control.
So with that, I'll see you on Wednesday, Midah :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
McFly - All About You: Video
I'm stuck in my McFly mode at the moment. Well, to be honest, I didn't even know I had that in me.
This song reminds me of these:
1) O-level preparation
2) Zimah, and how we try to harmonise though we ain't good
3) those people whom I sang along with in secondary school
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How I Met Your Mother - The Last Slap
This video gets better and better everytime I watch it.
Cheers everyone :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Isn't it just fascinating?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Definitely, Maybe
Whatever, seriously.
Wait, I digressed.
FYI: I realise that most of the time, people who love kids are those without young siblings. And when I say young, your brother/sister who is 2-3 years younger than you doesn't count. "Young siblings" mean when they were babies, you had to take care of them.
Ah, when that day comes, I shall drool and melt into that drool puddle.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Oh, Shut Up Already!
Usually I don't care about picking up the phone when I'm sleeping, but I was scared that it was the parents calling to check on me. And if they find out that it's already 11:30am in the morning (afternoon, your pick) and their 20 years old dear daughter is still snoring in bed, I am so screwed.
Well, actually I think they know that I wake up late everyday. I mean, they know that they can't expect me to wake up at 8am and clean up the whole house right? Pfft. Nevertheless, I still want to be there when they call. It's just a guilty conscience thing I think.
Ok disgressed much. So yeah for the past 4 days, I have been woken up by the blaring noise of the phone right? It takes alot of effort for Shimah Yusoff to answer the house phone if she is still in bed alright. She has to climb down the ladder of the bunk bed, drags herself out of the bedroom to the living room, picks up the phone and says "Hello". Lots of work is required since we are keeping in mind that I just woke up.
So ok fine, I put in so much work so that the caller on the other line won't be like an idiot, waiting for someone on my side to pick up the phone right? See, I totally have the caller's best interest at heart. Anyways, so, that call better be for me! It's just fair, don't you think? I picked up the phone when nobody else would (that's also because nobody is at home), so it's just right that the call is for me.
But no. For one of the days, the caller got the wrong number. Can you just imagine my frustration?! All that trouble to hear some stranger talking to me in an alien language. Gosh.
And for the other 3 days, the caller wanted to talk to my father. HELLO?! It's freaking 11:30am in the morning (once again, afternoon, your pick). Why are you expecting for my father to be at home? Of course he will be working man! And the annoying part is that I'm sure they have his handphone number. Why couldn't they just try that because they should know that he's at work right?
I don't go "Gah!" normally, because I think it's damn irritating to do so but here I go.
People call me Shimah Tribbiani

Farhana, this is for you!
I know you're not exactly a fan of either one, but seriously I had a major shock when I saw this poster at Jade cinema just now. When I first saw it, I thought the person besides Shahid was this Sikh boy whose name is Rani. Which is weird, come to think about it, because what kind of name is Rani for a Sikh right? Imagine Rani Pratap Singh. Yikes.
When I looked at it somemore, I then realised that there's a Mukherjee under the Rani which makes the name Rani Mukherjee. A few seconds later then it came to me that it's actually THE Rani Mukherjee disguises herself as a Sardar!
Omg I took THAT long to figure this one out. I totally felt like Joey from Friends. I don't know whether it's obvious for everybody else, but I must say her disguise is super good.
And once I'd figured out everything, I started laughing like crazy because I find the whole thing just damn funny.
Also, I find it freaky weird that I think she looks good like that. I don't even know whether that's a compliment or otherwise.
Ba-boom, Ba-boom

First of all, does the second photo looks like a family portrait gone wrong to you? It does right!
Ok so finally, after so very long, Midah and I managed to watch a Bollywood movie at the cinema. This one is titled Luck.
Sidetrack: What's up with the english titles like Luck, Kidnap and Black? Bollywood should stop naming their movie titles in English. Hindi is just fine what!
Moving on. I think I'm expected to give awesome reviews for this movie but I don't think I can. Don't get me wrong, the movie didn't suck. Of course it didn't, how can it possible suck when Imran Khan is in it right?
As usual, Imran Khan gave a good performance. That aside, he probably also has the most intense eyes and the most kissable lips that I've ever seen. He's so hot, he's almost sinful to lust for!
I like the rest of the cast. Sanjay Dutt is as cool and somewhat sexy in his way as usual. It's nice to see the old people like Mithun Chakraborty and Danny Denzongpa again because they are always top notch in their performance.
And that weirdo psychopath guy "Raghav" who reminded me alot of Ritesh Deshmukh, is good being cuckoo. But Midah and I kept laughing whenever he did his evil laugh. That guy's mental man! My most favourite character is probably "Shortcut" because she's so small yet she has this mega huge personality in her.
Sidetrack: Midah, omg, "Shortcut" is not 15 or 16 like what she claimed in the movie. She's actually 19! And and AND, she has been in Chak De! India and Fashion. Didn't you see her in Fashion? She's "Somu" apparently.
Anyways, so yeah, the movie started out well, I liked the characters, the storyline is great, until the supposedly heroine came. Her name is SHRUTI Haasan. First mistake already. Seriously, Shruti?? That name always and forever will remind me of that Chandrasekhar's kid whom I had to sit beside, for a period of time in Secondary 1.
Fine, ok I think I can pardon her for her first name. Afterall, she didn't get to pick her name right, so technically it's not her fault. But she cannot bloody act! What kind of actress are you if you can't act! I just cannot take that alright.
Not only can't the heroine act, some of the action scenes are just plain ridiculous. I know some people will say, "Hey it's a Bollywood movie, of course it's going to be ridiculous. It's the only time that a hero can fight 10 guys and still come out victorious".
But these scenes are beyond ridiculous really. You have to watch it to understand me.
And I can't remember the last time I cringed so much when watching romantic scenes in a hindi movie. Wait, I can actually remember. It was U, Me aur Hum. Ajay Devgan as a romantic hero? I'll puke my guts out first before I watch that again.
Anyways, so romance is like another word for Bollywood right, but this movie? Totally cannot make it alright. Cringe like I couldn't cringe anymore when I saw Imran and Shruthi together on screen. And those cheesy lines? Omg just kill me please.
Well, all these still didn't make the movie bad. I liked the movie cause (a) I'm a Imran Khan fan, (b) I'm watching it with Midah and we managed to laugh through those ridiculous scenes, and (c) like what I told her, we are just easily impressed. We could have watched (almost) anything and we would still come out of the theatre happy.
I realised that now is the period where all the good hindi movies are coming out. So next up, Love Aaj Kal :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Sweet Talking Sugar Coated Candyman
Dance on Sunset- NIck 6- Apologize
Tony Testa is such a brilliant and creative choreographer. I truly love the use of the swings - very very original.
And Nick 6 is just plain amazing. They should just move on to So You Think You Can Dance.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Down Memory Lane
For starters, I really enjoyed preparing the flag that we were going to use during the celebration. I preferred using crayons to colour pencils because the red colour that the crayons produce is more prominent.
Nevertheless, my fingers tend to get red sometimes when I got careless and touched the red bit on the flag. And not only that, the area around the stars tends to be a bitch most of the time, because the fat crayon tip just refused to fit easily in the small area between the stars.
Then there were the songs. During those days, I could remember all the lyrics like THAT *snaps fingers*. Ok, but that's also because we had so many practices during the previous Music lessons.
And we didn't just wave the flag while singing ok! We had all these different hand gestures to go along with the songs as well! And I...I mean EVERYBODY, could remember all the movements. Fine, they were no intricate dance steps, yeah, but still man.
Yup, good times good times.
Today, I must say I can still remember some of the lyrics to those songs that I haven't sung in YEARS! I don't know, I think there's just something about National Day songs man.
That being said, today could have easily been any normal Sunday. I barely paid attention to the parade because I was too busy playing this frog game on DS. Damn that game man, I just can't seem to win! And the irritating bit is that it is so addictive :(
Anyways, yeah, after decades of following the parade, I'm seriously not impressed with anything anymore. Yes, they can change the hosts, yes, they can have all the fancy fireworks, but that's about it you know.
It's not like I take Singapore forgranted. No, of course not. Singapore's amazing for so many reasons. For one, where else can you find people of different races living harmoniously in one country?
Maybe it's because I was not at the parade, so I wasn't filled with utmost patrotism for the country. But then again, do I want to be at the parade with those other people who probably only sing the National Anthem once a year at the parade? No.
It will be good if one day the 10 years-old girl in me surfaces so that I can join the crowd in singing "Who are you my country, More than celebrations and tears".
Oh and by the way, it has been so long, but Munneru Vaalibaa is still around. That song is a classic man. And don't you forget the hand gestures for that song! :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Love Is War
I've been to many religious classes but nobody ever told me what is Islam's take on intuition. Is it just a harmless feeling, or like lust, is it something that Satan lures us into so that we will end up sinful?
It can be either, or maybe neither! I don't know. But if you asks me, Shimah The Great, I would say this: Since God doesn't talk to us directly, then intuition is perhaps a hint from Him to us, so that it will help us in making the right decisions in life. Farfetced maybe, but it does make sense right? Even to a teeny weeny bit extent probably?
There have been many times when I choose to be practical and use the head when making decisions while at the same time ignoring that annoying feeling deep inside me which tells me otherwise. But what do you know, I always regret doing that later.
I don't know why exactly. Hmm, probably my theory is right! Probably intuition is really a "Hey Shimah, listen to me, I'm trying to tell you something" by God!
Or maybe intuition is just something that you subconsciously know but you just don't want to acknowledge. And the fact that you don't know that you don't want to acknowlege it makes it the more confusing.
It's like in Hindi movies. Girl subconsciously knows that Guy is the one for her but decides to marry Extra instead because she thinks that's the right thing to do.
If only life can be as easy as how it is being portrayed in Hindi movies - all sunshine and roses, all nice songs and beautiful foreign locations. It is only in Hindi movies when a girl is allowed to follow her intuition, dump the guy she's about to marry at the altar and run away to be with her lover eventually.
One thing that may be the outcome of following one's intuition is probably this - you'll be happy (I can't say the same about the others though, especially the guy who just got dumped).
Questions. Does the girl always have to follow her intuition at the very last minute and does it always have to be at the wedding?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Going Kooky
Not only that, her whole house is newly painted as well (although she had very little contribution in that).
She has been to Geylang twice in 2 days and will be going again on Wednesday.
She has been eating durians and dendengs to her heart's content (omg syiok giler!)
But she's still not looking forward to this year's Hari Raya, though she can't wait to don her new baju kurungs! Hehe, exciting siol (:
Goodnight, Goodbye
I'll say that's a long time, especially for a job that I never intended on staying this long. And now, it's time to bid goodbye.
When I started out, I didn't think that I would make friends here. I just wanted to go work and leave at the end of the day. That's it. However, I later learnt that work can get more fun when you are not only working with colleagues, but people whom you call friends as well.
As I leave that place, I can safely say that I have a few friends whom I treasure alot. No, I'm not going to promise "Friends Forever" to these people because we all know without effort, those words are just nothing.
I'm flattered at the fact that even the new girls were upset that I was leaving (or maybe that's what they want me to believe). When I was new myself, frankly speaking, I didn't like the 2 seniors who trained me. They gave me hell! Only when Sakinah came along that my life got more bearable.
I think maybe that's why I made it a point to be extra nice to the new girls. For fuck's sake, they are already stressed out with all the different sundaes and all the different drinks to make! You will definitely not be of any help to them if you start rushing them in their work! But yeah, not eveybody understands that.
One of the great things that has happened to me there is meeting the celebrities. Ok technically there were only 3 but I'm a happy girl already! That place was where I touched Utt's hands (you wouldn't imagine how I did that), where Shah Iskandar waved goodbye to me and where Haizad Imram...well he did nothing except for buying the ice-cream, but that's good enough for me already! Hell, he could just have walked past, that's already enough for me (ok not true).
So many people to thank, so many things learnt, so many memorable occassions.
Saturday was a good ending.
Goodnight, Goodbye.
Because you are a part of me now...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
When things don't go as planned
(Haiya, there are so many things in this world that cannot be explained anyways.)
That obsession can be about a tv show. You try your very best not to miss any episode of that show and in the circumstances that you do, you feel really bummed out, like as if it's the end of the world already (well, for that particular day only actually).
Or the obsession can lie in one of your characteristics. For example, Monica from Friends, she's obsessed with cleaning (one of these days, I may need her around the house). And if she doesn't get to do that, she gets agitated.
Or maybe, you are just obsessed in being the perfectionist. This is quite dangerous you know, because you can't control everything. There will be days when things don't go as per normal and what are you going to do when that happens?!
One thing that I learn about perfectionists is that, they like being in control and they would like to stay that way. That's why when things don't go as planned, they feel disappointed and angry because they aren't in control anymore. And that just sucks!
People like to get their presents on their birthdays (ok atleast I do). So when a birthday celebration that was being planned goes cuckoo, the planner (who happens to be a perfectionist) goes upset! And this is not anybody's birthday we are talking about, it's the mother's birthday dammit!
Curses to Metro who just HAD to be closed to public on my mother's birthday.
Curses to that Bata shop who didn't have my mother's size.
Sigh, I shall just keep my fingers crossed and wait for Sunday and hope that things will turn out better :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Bang the head at the count of 3
The show should just have ended when the boys got Scylla. And Don Self shouldn't have been a bad guy. He should have helped them destroy the Company and later freed the boys, as promised. But NOOOO! Everything is such a mess now.
Frankly, I don't even know what the hell Michael is doing, and that guy is supposed to be the main character! Dammit, I'm losing the touch man.
PB needs to take a chill pill and slow down for awhile. Let the season end later, I don't care. Just make sure that each episode is in slow motion now, so people like me can finally grasp it. If not, I have to resort to texting Farhana (who doesn't watch anymore, because it's too complicated for her) and Mira (who doesn't get it either sometimes). I try not to text Sakinah because that woman always give me more spoilers.
Michael's going to die eventually. We all know that. But I think the ending of the season will be extremely sad. I came up with a theory while talking to Mira just now. The ending should be like this (in order to make suckers like me cry buckets, that is):
1) Christina tries to shoot Lincoln
2) Michael protects Lincoln and gets shot instead
3) Christina goes "NOOO, MY SON!" (something of that sort)
4) Lincoln gets angry (as usual) and shoots Christina
5) So Michael and Christina both die
6) Sara, who is expecting, will give birth to Michael Scofield II and the whole thing continues
Ah, leave it to me to create the most dramatic scenes ever. Though I must say all these drama has so much to do with the Bollywood influence.
PB is such hard work now. I really can't wait for it to end.
P/S. Christina should go "Nahin!" instead. That would be classic.
So this is what happened today...
Customer: Hey have you worked at the Great World City outlet before?
Me: Yeah, but that was quite some time ago.
(thinking: why can't he just take the ice-cream and leave me alone?)
Customer: Yeah! I remember you. You helped me out the other time *smiles*
Me: Are you sure that was me? Coz I've only worked there ONCE and that was a year ago.
(thinking: he's got to be tripping man!)
Customer: Of course I'm sure. I remember those eyes of yours. *smiles*
And with that, I smiled awkwardly and pretended to laugh at his comment and served the next customer.
Seriously, why couldn't he have been Shah Iskandar or someone as good looking?
Oh I want to go for KFC breakfast! Anybody who is able to wake up early and wants to eat the breakfast, please ring me (:
Friday, July 10, 2009
Flo Rida Featuring Wynter Gordon - My Lips Like Sugar [VIDEO]
I'm really not a fan of Hip hop videos because I think they portray women in a really bad way.
That aside, thanks to Beverley who kept singing the "My lips like sugar" line RIGHT IN MY FACE, I'm now addicted to this song.
Dance my heart away
First, Hafi and I worked together again after one year, because she had school all this while.
Third, Farhana and Nan dropped by the shop when Hafi and I were working again.
So yeah, all 4 of us, in one venue at the same time, after one year.
Oh oh! Guess who bought a Michael Jackson album! ME!
And I even got a free MJ poster!
I'm so borrowing the album from the father on Saturday and bringing it to work so I can blast it at Ben & Jerry's. I already warned Alex because she wasn't too cool about it. I don't really care really, it's going to be my one day of indulgence in MJ's music :)
Shit, I'm gone.
Last, but definitely not the least, check this out.
Thank you so much jaan!
A friend (I forgot who really) told me that she didn't eat the gingerbread-girl that I once gave it to her because she keeps it for memory sake. She also added that it's too pretty to be eaten.
I'm sure even if she tries to eat it today, it won't taste as nice. So I decided to eat this cookie TODAY! Hope you don't mind jaan. I mean, it's cute and all and I appreciate it, but a cookie is still a cookie right? I have to fulfill the cookie's purpose, which is to be eaten! And what can I say? Sedap siol!
Anyways, if you really want to talk about memory sake, for one, I have this photo. Or...oh I know! Why don't you get me a cookie every other week so my memory will always be refreshed? Heh, I like this idea better :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Lenka - The Show
This is simply a feel good song! And I think the whole video is really cute and adorable, haha. And she is quite pretty.
Sigh, I can listen to this all day. Thanks jaan for sending me the song :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sit on the roof and count the stars
So anyways!

I've lost count on the number of times that I've watched this movie. But I seriously doubt that I've watched it more times than I've watched other classics such as Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.
I think this movie is slowly inching to be one of my favourite Hindi movies of all times. The dialogues are fabulous, the actors are awesome and the storyline is still considered typical romantic for Hindi movies, though with a modern twist to it.

I seriously think that the director of the movie, Imtiaz Ali, was somewhat influenced by the whole "Raj-holding-his-hand-out-to-Simran-so-that-she-can-catch-the-train" thing in Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (omg these Hindi movie titles are so fucking long!).
I mean seriously, the photo above is such a give-away la!
But I like this scene better in DDLJ. Duh, nothing can beat a Shah Rukh-Kajol pairing. Like nothing, ever!

Can you believe how sweetly they posed for this photo even after breaking up? Yup, these 2 used to be lovers for like 4 years, and somewhere during the course of making the movie, they broke up. And they still continued filming for the movie. Professional man!
I think unmarried couples should never make a movie together. The movie's either going to be a big flop (remember Kyun...!Ho Gaya Na?) or the couple is going to break up afterwards (remember Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam?) Maybe it's just a jinx in Bollywood, who knows.
How can I end this post without mentioning how cute Shahid Kapoor is right? So, yes Shahid is cute in this movie. Atleast you have to agree on that Mira. But I am actually more impressed with his acting skills in this movie. Makes me believe he's not just a pretty boy/awesome dancer only, you know.
Do all the Michael Jackson tributes just have to be on Prison Break slots?! Are you fucking kidding me?!
People are still paying tributes to Michael Jackson. Hasn't it been 2 weeks already?
Ah, but then again I'm actually one of those people who are only starting to pay attention to his music now. I even stayed up in the wee hours to watch the memorial ceremony yesterday (thank God, I wasn't working the following day).
Soon, this whole hype will die and then everybody else will move on with their lives. People will continue to buy all sorts of nonsense magazines and believe all the rumours. Paparazzi will constantly follow the celebrities and flash their personal lives. And then, one day maybe, all these will drive another celebrity crazy and he/she will die.
And the whole routine will continue itself.
Ah, drama. All I need to keep myself going.
Oh my father just mentioned that he wants to buy the Off The Wall album. And I willingly (not to mention, rarely as well) offered my service. I think I will get it from The Cd Shop one of these days at Raffles City. Afterall I am entitled to 10% discount :)
Ohmybloodycuckoonathan! Kevin Jonas is engaged?! WHAT!
.......................*Shimah is currently speechless*
She thinks she is just pms-ing. She has to be. Because if it's not pms, she thinks she is slowly on her way to self-destruction. Yikes, not good not good!
She used to be Dr Love. Providing answers to other people's questions used to be real easy. But when it comes to one self's life (though we aren't exactly talking about love life here) it can get real tough. That's why she needs a Doctor herself.
And she thinks talking in third person can be considered somewhat denial, but she likes talking like this now, haha.